mfw the forums close
mfw my rep thread is gone forever
mfw i have to build up all my rep again
mfw the forums close
mfw my rep thread is gone forever
mfw i have to build up all my rep again
Your rep thread is still on the server, I'm in the process of taking screenshots of mine in-case they take it down in the future. Just go through your history and find your rep thread, I was lucky enough to have linked it in a tf2outpost trade from ages ago so i found it that way.
Alternatively go to the rep forum and find it somehow (
I don't really think that anybody would bother photoshopping 3 pages of rep tbh and it's better than nothing, my time isn't that valuable that I can't spend 5 mins taking some screenshots lol.
Second problem: only people who have threads in the approved rep section can save their rep thread. They stopped moving threads there in 2012, meaning a good amount of the rep is stored on the one that's still hidden.
are they gonna restore the other parts of the website just cameback and would be useful