76561198056548776 Steam join date: Jan 6, 2012
Steam Level: 28
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Why does [tf/download/user_custom] create folders and files while I play? = Lagging.
I'd like to find out how I can prevent my TF2 from automatically creating new files in /tf/download/user_custom while I play.
I've tried deleting it, reinstalling, and changing numerous settings... it's not helping.
This is what it looks like:
(Source: )
While my ping is usually 30-50 on every server, the game starts creating these files, and it is firmly between 600-800 then.
Deleting the files just lets it recreate them.
You should know:
-- I use a modified Chris' fps config
-- My FPS is perfectly fine at all times. It's only my ping
-- This problem only affects TF2, and it affects all servers
-- No one else is using my internet
-- I set my priority for hl2.exe to high always.
Launch options set for TF2:
-dxlevel 81 -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -full -w 1366 -h 768 -console -novid -useforcedmparms -dev
Pastebin of my entire autoexec.cfg:
If you can tell me how I can prevent TF2 from creating these files, please let me know. I'd really appreciate it.