76561197995561518 Steam join date: Jan 4, 2008
Steam Level: 27
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Originally Posted by
You Are The One
That is different if its behind a login, but its against most search sites policies if the page is otherwise public and they can ban your site from results for it. I believe the term is cloaking.
Yep, noticed it was behind a login. And, tbh, i don't really see a huge issue with that---yea, i'm just sick of people adding me to try and buy a key for $1.30~...
And ik, its simpler to just Lock/delete the trade notes/title etc...
But, why store all those threads anyway? Why not just trash them after a few months of inactivity, clear up server space and save money (and save me and others the trouble of dealing with these people).
/Laziness and Forgetfulness at its best.