When setting up a server, how would one go about adding custom models (weapon textures) to it, so it would be required to download and then used while clients are connected?
When setting up a server, how would one go about adding custom models (weapon textures) to it, so it would be required to download and then used while clients are connected?
I believe all you have to do is upload the custom models etc. into the appropriate directories. Then, change the class config files to point to that custom model.
Don't forget to set your cvar's to allow uploading/downloading.
Please, correct if I am wrong. I am just making a guess here.
I've never done it, but I don't think you can force a client to use a custom view model. You definitely cannot force players to overwrite existing files with custom content. There might be a way to do it with a plugin that changes which viewmodel is being shown. Also, what avy said could work but I don't know if players will use the changes in the script that's on the server.
Yeah, alright. The more I thought about it today I didn't think it sounded like it would work anyway. How would you go about making a server entry sound though?Originally Posted by Drunken_F00l
That's done in the motd if I am not mistaken. You can use html or css or what have you to embed/play the sound.