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Thread: L4D 2 Officially Announced

  1. #41
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    They said "it's a full sequel"

    therefore full price

  2. #42
    Hamm's Avatar

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    I am completely put out by the fact that there were so many promised updates to come out with the first one, and now they've already completed the second Left 4 Dead, which will also be the same price as the first one. $50. To be honest, I feel live I've wasted my money on the first Left 4 Dead. It's quite ridiculous, really. No one's gotten their money's worth on that game yet. Now they're already going to release Left 4 Dead 2.

    I want my money back.

  3. #43
    -LMA-'s Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamm
    I am completely put out by the fact that there were so many promised updates to come out with the first one, and now they've already completed the second Left 4 Dead, which will also be the same price as the first one. $50. To be honest, I feel live I've wasted my money on the first Left 4 Dead. It's quite ridiculous, really. No one's gotten their money's worth on that game yet. Now they're already going to release Left 4 Dead 2.

    I want my money back.

    Agreed, the original L4D wasn't really worth the $50. I kinda figured it would have had updates as well like TF2 making it in the end a good investment. Man, I was wrong.

  4. #44
    Hamm's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by -LMA-

    Agreed, the original L4D wasn't really worth the $50. I kinda figured it would have had updates as well like TF2 making it in the end a good investment. Man, I was wrong.

    Thing is, they promised updates. They promised new campaigns, and all we got was the Survival Pack with a small new chapter... Bullshit. I don't agree with them completely abandoning Left 4 Dead. I hope they actually do something with it. Although, I've actually heard that Left 4 Dead 2 wasn't going to involve the northern Valve group or something. Something about them not agreeing with the Left 4 Dead 2.

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