Said by numerous traders on Outpost after agreeing on a firm price. For example, last week I bought an Unusual Stovepipe for a bud and two keys. This is what I posted on his trade comments, he accepted it and invited me to trade. I put up my buds and keys, and he doesn't give the stovepipe.
2 minutes later.
"Hey, could you add a little more? Just a couple ref."
I really wanted the hat, and I had some extra ref, so I said "fuck it" and added two ref.
"Some more?"
Another ref went into the trade window.
I was almost about to tell him to fuck off and die, but I just sighed and added a craft hat.
"Ok, thanks man!"
Finally puts up the stovepipe and finishes the trade.
I was kinda tired and didn't really care at the time because I really wanted a Demo unusual. But now I've resolved to just unfriend if somebody pulls that shit again. Why the fuck would you ask for more after you've already agreed to a price? Are you really that greedy?