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Thread: "Could you add a little more..."

  1. #1
    Morg's Avatar

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    "Could you add a little more..."

    Said by numerous traders on Outpost after agreeing on a firm price. For example, last week I bought an Unusual Stovepipe for a bud and two keys. This is what I posted on his trade comments, he accepted it and invited me to trade. I put up my buds and keys, and he doesn't give the stovepipe.

    2 minutes later.

    "Hey, could you add a little more? Just a couple ref."

    I really wanted the hat, and I had some extra ref, so I said "fuck it" and added two ref.

    "Some more?"

    Another ref went into the trade window.


    I was almost about to tell him to fuck off and die, but I just sighed and added a craft hat.

    "Ok, thanks man!"

    Finally puts up the stovepipe and finishes the trade.

    I was kinda tired and didn't really care at the time because I really wanted a Demo unusual. But now I've resolved to just unfriend if somebody pulls that shit again. Why the fuck would you ask for more after you've already agreed to a price? Are you really that greedy?

  2. #2
    MikeV's Avatar

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    You gotta stand your ground man. The second they ask for more, you brief their ass on what the terms were. If they change their mind, fuck 'em. Don't let these little kids take advantage of you.

  3. #3
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    Hah this is one of the things that drove me away from trading, and they do it because 1. it's all about profit for most traders and 2. people give them more and all they have to do is ask.
    It's why people spam invites to anyone with an unusual trying to buy it for a few crates or spam lowball/highball offers on trading sites, because it works.

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    lordfa9's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeV View Post
    You gotta stand your ground man. The second they ask for more, you brief their ass on what the terms were. If they change their mind, fuck 'em. Don't let these little kids take advantage of you.
    what this man said; you'd be surprised how hard they'll u-turn when you give them a simple 'no'

    if they push their luck some more, walk away from the trade. Simple

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    a_tasty_serving_of's Avatar

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    Really depends on the situation. 1 of 1 on market or great price you mostly wanna just give a bit. No need trying to be tough then you miss out out on a deal with the guy going perma offline. That stovepipe though, I would've stood my ground. For low tier unusuals, buyers advantage, especially paying in pure unless you got serious competition on their offer page.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Really depends on the situation. 1 of 1 on market or great price you mostly wanna just give a bit. No need trying to be tough then you miss out out on a deal with the guy going perma offline. That stovepipe though, I would've stood my ground. For low tier unusuals, buyers advantage, especially paying in pure unless you got serious competition on their offer page.

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    That has happened to me a lot of times on unusual trade servers, I agree on one price like 2 buds + 1 key for a bubbling TC (which is an awesome deal and we agreed on that price, he traded me, and then he said can you just add a few more keys, I did so cause it was an awesome price, then he said "Oh sorry dude, I just realised thats a ripoff, then went out the trade, and sold it for 2 buds PURE. I was just so mad at his hypocrisy, that I was determined to find a good deal again. Once again, a smoking TC, for 2 buds pure. Then he accepted straight away, and we did the trade. I asked his age, 21. The age of the person I was talking with before? 12. Not being ageist but there is a correlation.
    "I'd rather die like a man, than live like a coward." - Tupac Shakur

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