A friend showed me this, thought it was quite funny.
Can't believe T-Pain actually agreed to do a song like that, lol.
A friend showed me this, thought it was quite funny.
Can't believe T-Pain actually agreed to do a song like that, lol.
Any body who is in school or knows anybody in any sort of school would certainly have seen this by now. I know this has been played out around my college campus.
I guess what I mean to say is, "OLD!"
yea it is alittle old.
Have you seen Like a boss yet then LMA?
Like a boss
Those two were the best of the bunch
i hate this stupid crap, everyone in my school loves it and i think its just the dumbest thing ever.
You guys are completely missing out on Dick in a Box with Justin Timberlake.
motherlover anyone?
This is why I believe that it takes no actual talent to make a R&B/Hip Hop music video these days. Just get a bunch of synthesizers and computers to do the music for you.
Also T-Pain = Stevie Wonder
We all know that the best music video is of course White and Nerdy
hip hop has become techno..?