I didn't say he was one I said he acted like one.
You need to calm down.
And not sure what my province has anything to do with this.
I didn't say he was one I said he acted like one.
You need to calm down.
And not sure what my province has anything to do with this.
Funny as much as I have played with Hell-met is by far one of the most skilled players in ALL classes and keeps em all up in the same hours. Unlike most other who just constantly play demo and will not come out unless there is a medic atached to his ass :\.
he worked so hard on keeping them perfectly even, tooOriginally Posted by Versed
I rofl'd as well
he tried copying me
the bastard
bald bastard
Funny, I typically see Balls with a medic always attached to his ass too.
He probably likes balls attached to his ass...
What a hypocrite
And nigga-thug? Come on Hell-met...really? You're a clever cat you are :P