wow.Originally Posted by Agua
wow.Originally Posted by Agua
lol@ the server "no jews"
how did they expect people not to do this? Are they that fucking stupid?
The idea is so horrible and dumb that it actually pisses me off.
If this is a troll attempt by valve, 11/10, bravo!
I totally planned to get the unlocks in a legit way... and feel like i got robbed by this new system. How ironic that the new system encourages people to sit idle for eternity and not play to get the unlocks - rather than encouraging them to play and earn them. Well, I'm earning the unlocks right now.
they just want to see their global gameplay hours go up.
Gabe newell is a stat whore that way.
I have seen a lot of this happening with the new spy update, too:
It seems im luckier than most when it comes to finding items, but still no jarate!
ive found and extra natascha since i took that screenshot...
No offense to Banjo but I can't help at laugh when people say "I'm getting my weapons the legit way"
Who cares how you get your weapons, just get them. Any game that forces players to put time into gaining X reward is going to bring out the microwave generation.
No one in our generation wants to wait for anything, they want it now. People are going to take the quickest way from point A to point B and there's nothing wrong with that.
lol nice they really shot themselves in the face this time, they made it easier now you sit idol in an achievement server instead of spending a couple hours actually playing in an achievement server!Originally Posted by Agua
Unless you exceed the speed limit upon which case the police may issue a ticket.Originally Posted by Versed
THERE IS NO SPEED LIMIT ON FUN !Originally Posted by Rostov