Ambassador is fucking epic, I have been ruining everybody's shit with it.Originally Posted by Hell-met
Especially through SPAWN DOORS! D:<
Ambassador is fucking epic, I have been ruining everybody's shit with it.Originally Posted by Hell-met
Especially through SPAWN DOORS! D:<
Step 1: Create a server.Originally Posted by Versed
Step 2: Join it and don't leave.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: PROFIT!
i'm fine with it
so i have to play a game more....there's worse things in the world
Quite a few people were getting the items while I was playing last night. Enough people that I saw Jarate, ambasador, huntsman and the razorback all in use a fair amount.
I'm just glad the items aren't linked to achievements anymore. I hated that and all the farming it promoted. Now it hasn't been so bad with people not really having a reason to stack a team with spys/snipers.
As a sidenote what sort of idiot spy would stab someone with the very huge and obvious razorback on them. Just sort of makes razorback useless because the player would think "Oh, he's got a razorback, let me just shoot his face off instead"
I am fairly disappoint. \0= I picked up no less than 10-12 ambassadors off of dead spies and no luck.
I think instead of RANDOMLY dropping the bonk I got for jumping on a rock, I should get what I pick up.
All the complaints on the steam forums really boil down to one issue. The drops are so far as anyone knows completly random and there's no control over when people can expect to get them. I do prefer the drops over the acheivement system but I can see the problem. That's not to say I think the random system is the best, just better for me than acheivements.
they should keep both. Problem solved.Originally Posted by Ranma
I've been playing for over 11 hours since the release of the new update and I have yet to get 1 item from any class. Of course I want sniper/spy unlockables but I can't get anything for any class. This is bs. Just to show an example I have completed 15 spy achievements and 14 sniper.
It's unfair. The algorithm they are using for the random drops is obviously flawed. There are peeps that just played 10 mins and got the huntsman. When can I enjoy the new weapons? I hate you valve.