pinning people to walls.
pinning people to walls.
<shudders>Originally Posted by Hell-met
One of my co-workers is twisting my arm to start playing WOW. I told him I might try it come the fall when the weather starts to cool off. Hope I have all the sniper achievements by then.
I don't mind the game itself but he really did say it was affecting TF2's development
unless he trolled us
it has a 1 second charge for full power...that might be more useful than you think.Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
before the shitstorm, people don't actually get pinned to walls, just their corpses when they die. Payload race sounds hilarious. Next update, balloon race official release. FUND IT.
arena maps look amazing
but the gamemode is still shit
stop working on it fuckers
Yay, new arena maps. Arena server has been asking for more.
it says dead/dying somewhere a person who is alived is pinned to a wall.Originally Posted by getthere1tme
I may have to start playing on the arena server. Having greater environmental hazards makes for a much funner map. Still, arena reminds me too much of Counter Strike.