Hi, I am a new server owner, so any help is appreciated. I have looked extensively through previous posts, and hopefully I can clear some of my doubts.
Firstly, I obviously want to install sourceop. Should I just go on ahead and install the new steam pipe vers?
Also I am running sourcemod right now. Using the Tcadmin do I just import everything from the zip folder into the orangebox/tf ? ie. sounds, there are already existing files there, it would not affect my other plugins if I import sourceop sounds to those files correct?
Finally once I have installed sourceop, I was also interested in putting in the player limit remover
- where would i put the .tar file?
- I assume I have to make a .vdf file to make this plugin run? I have looked into http://developer.valvesoftware.com/w...nning_a_Plugin < -- this guide but I am still a little confused. Hopefully someone can point me in the right direction!
- I am assuming the plr.so goes into the bin folder and I have to make a .vdf folder in the addons folder which goes through to the bin and plr. so?
Thanks so much!
-Sorry if this is the wrong section, but this is the only forum I could find that has help/problems, the other section that says Sourcemod Plugins sounds more applicable, but no one posted server help stuff there ^^