So I started feeling sick about a week ago, minor fatigue, fever. Nothing big, though odd as I haven't been sick in about six years.

About four days ago I noticed an abscess that had grown rapidly, so I went in to get it drained and the doctor annihilated it trying to drain it (about six attempts with an eight gauge needle).

Since then I have noticed several other abscesses forming on my arms and legs, I figure my immune system is completely shot. Also since then my fever and fatigue has gotten significantly worse, my bones started aching, I have had times where it was excruciating to breathe, night sweats, lightheadedness, nausea, and I think I may have caught a cold on top of all of this. Anybody who has dealt with cancer can tell you where this is most likely headed.

The doctors want to run more tests, I am going in today to get the results of the culture they pulled on the abscess, but right now I am seeing that as a symptom and not a problem.

Just thought I would keep you all filled-in so if the event occurs that I stop posting you can have some sort of clue.