I'm in a shit load in debt
I'm in a shit load in debt
Audio Production and Anthropology? Does that mean you are going to go to Africa and record the natives or something?
Grats btw.
And actually, my buddy and I are thinking about starting an audio consulting business for anthropologists and ethnomusicologists. That way we can have all the fun of recording and not have to write any of the boring papers.
Congratulations on your graduation. May your degree allow you to fully realize all your future endeavours. Might even help your TF2 stats now...
I have to say that I've been wondering if I can find a grant to study online gaming culture. And as anthropologists, we have to be participant-observers. I'm sure there are people already doing it; just have to find a school to sucker into paying me for it.
Imagine, a book written that examines and attempts to explain the culture at SOP...
The Adder is a strange and elusive creature, whose sole purpose in life seems to be "owning noobs" while efforts to capture this beautiful mammal have been in vain, we did manage to get recordings of it uttering in it's native tongue. *Cue me raging over the mic*Originally Posted by Agua
oh, btw, I'm stealing your identity first thing tomorrow morning.
Welcome to HR, your grey 8x8 cubicle is just around the corner...coffee machine's in the break room by the bathrooms. Fridays are casual!
woah woah woah.Originally Posted by Redneck
Fridays are Business casual my friend. I wouldn't want to have to send you home to change.
Casual Fridays: FUCK YEAH