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Thread: The tux shitters

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    0b0y's Avatar

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    Angry The tux shitters

    Can't fucking take it, all these shittraders at tf2op trying to drive the prices up. So fed up with the newwave of shitty traders with their 50% QUICKSELLS ONLY, neverending lowballing, dirty normal items is RAREEEE, adds +rep after trading 1 hat...etc

    Is all of these shitters in a sect thats trying to rape tf2 trading as hard as possible?
    The HH shitfest was enough.

    "herp derpp tere only is 17.00 tuxz & 70.00 budzz mus be worth x2 atleeest"

    Good read

    Update: more leet traders at tf2op
    Engi,Spy,Scout or Medic unusal for the tux.
    U ASK WHY?!
    Well its gona worthe more than buds because les of them are exist.

    B/O 2 Buds or an unusual of equal value
    ★UP | ineb
    B/O:a buds or a cheap unusual or offer in keys/promos
    B/O: 4 buds
    they are currently 4x rarer than buds

    [air] To@sti
    B/O 2 buds

    C/O: 1 Bud (retraced already buyed something else with his bud)
    B/O: Spy Unusual

    BO: 1 bud

    Post offers below! Did you know, someone offered a max severed head plus 4 buds for this thing?! I am willing to add ANOTHER tux for an unusual
    <-- right
    B/o Buds + Bill's

    this tux are rare in comparation with buds

    i have this tux too. i think you should ask neary 45 keys for it because there is more buds ont tf2stats than this penguin

    don't sell less than a bud,not every people know how to install linux on a pc they even dont know with what u eat linux or even it is free or not,and not all the linux users have time to play tf2 i will sell mine later when the people will really know his real value

    Slushy king
    dont take low offers, hold on to this if you want the price to be high!
    Schoko Eis
    Someone offerd a Bubbling Honcho's Headgear for a Tux man <-- riiiiiight
    Dont let it go cheap man ;D
    [BG]Azain Dude
    Tux should be bud worth, it is hard to run steam and tf2 with Ubuntu. It took me 8 days to figure it out.
    <-- lold
    [DarthJake Akihiko Sanda
    hey good luck man dont let this go to easy cus ive seen some go for 8 keys-15 keys so theyre pretty darn good

    im taking offers for my tux. ONLY TAKING OFFERS ON BUDS / KEYS / UNUSUALS

    thx for your attention... cause i got it at my 43 accounts... i saw your trade...and remember that it could not be tradable <-- Oh silly farmers

    -Lazlie- #Exams...HurrDurr
    Looking for offers for this cute little penguin! Take note that it's LVL79 <-- Since when is lvl79 any special?

    1 buds

    [INSEGA] Hunter S. Batman There's only 7 days left to get them and there's left than half of the number of buds. When it's over there will probably be less or the same amount. You're giving players of the game a lot more credit than they deserve. Installing and setting up Linux isn't 'easy' by any means for people with no experience with it. Getting the game running under Linux is not for the faint of heart either. Assuming people will just be able to do this without a lot of effort is not very likely and most simply wont be able to do it.
    <-- Seriously what is so ... hard with installing linux, read->point->click..

    ^ Just a few random comments from trades. You see the same shitters posting on every trade.

    Rant over

    Are you butthurt cause you don't have one?
    No, got mine which also happend to be lvl 100, eat it shitters.

  2. #2
    Keizersoze's Avatar

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    Good rant dude! I enjoyed the read. Don't let this crap get to you. Go have a coke and a smile and try to relax a little.

  3. #3
    0b0y's Avatar

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    ★UP | ineb
    B/O:a buds or a cheap unusual or offer in keys/promos
    B/O: 4 buds
    they are currently 4x rarer than buds

    [air] To@sti
    B/O 2 buds

    C/O: 1 Bud (retraced already buyed something else with his bud)
    B/O: Spy Unusual

    BO: 1 bud

    Post offers below! Did you know, someone offered a max severed head plus 4 buds for this thing?! I am willing to add ANOTHER tux for an unusual
    <-- right
    B/o Buds + Bill's

    this tux are rare in comparation with buds

    i have this tux too. i think you should ask neary 45 keys for it because there is more buds ont tf2stats than this penguin

    Only getting worse, more and more jumping on the greed-train. Cheers Keizer, I need something stronger then coke though..

    What is it that people don't get?
    1. Just because there is less buds doesn't automatically make the tuxes worth more. There are alot of items with lower copies, does that make them all worth more than a bud?
    2. When the buds came out, no one had a clue that they would be used as a currency. OSx costs money, linux doesn't.
    3. Trying to driving prices up "just because" never works. Just look at the strange festives, 2011 vs 2012. When the 2011 skyrocketed in price, everyone was ready for 2012 and they are not worth a whole lot.
    4. Buds have particle effect and actually looks decent on some classes, the tux is nailed to your ass and looks shit..

    My 2 cents.

  4. #4
    Zyddie's Avatar

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    Tux´s wont be worth that much, people are trying now as they have no clue really how many tux´s that will be on the open market.

    Just relax and watch them crash during the first 2 weeks when they are tradable, my person guess is tux will be just below a bills a few keys 5-7 keys tops, there is a lot of them and if valve dosnt remove those that was cheated to get or they make those tradable aswell we will have the market flooded big time.

    So as Keizer said relax take a coke your free to drop by and steal one from me ^^

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zyddie View Post
    Tux´s wont be worth that much, people are trying now as they have no clue really how many tux´s that will be on the open market.

    Just relax and watch them crash during the first 2 weeks when they are tradable, my person guess is tux will be just below a bills a few keys 5-7 keys tops, there is a lot of them and if valve dosnt remove those that was cheated to get or they make those tradable aswell we will have the market flooded big time.

    So as Keizer said relax take a coke your free to drop by and steal one from me ^^
    Earbuds: Out of 3,620,564 inventories, 58,807 copies of this item exist. (1.62%)
    Bills: ut of 3,620,564 inventories, 140,060 copies of this item exist. (3.87%)
    Tux: Out of 3,620,564 inventories, 26,642 copies of this item exist. (0.74%)

    Unexpected, but the tux exists less than all of them.

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    You don't account for alts as most are non public or have never been viewed. Im sure they are many more then that.

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    Wink wink, nudge nudge.

    Also you're all forgetting that Earbuds get their value from being Apple related. No one pays for Linux things. Just like the OS, most likely in the future people will offer you tux's for free, and they'll just hope you give them something in return.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheDopp View Post
    Wink wink, nudge nudge.

    Also you're all forgetting that Earbuds get their value from being Apple related. No one pays for Linux things. Just like the OS, most likely in the future people will offer you tux's for free, and they'll just hope you give them something in return.
    And a lot of the buds are duped by now sadly.

    Personally as said 5-7 keys. And yea a lot more Tux´s than 26k copies at least i hope so otherwise price will be like 20 buds! in the first 10 days untill one of the major idle´ers suddenly puts 2000 into the open market.

    But we will see later today i belive ?

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    0b0y's Avatar

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    So whats going on with these shitty penguins? Still see offers from 1 ref up 1 buds (which obviously 99% of the time is fake offers)

    Shouldn't they have become tradeable by now? And what is this rumor that Valve is planning action against the people thats been farming them?

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