76561198033326513 Steam join date: Nov 11, 2010
Steam Level: 20
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Double account issue.
Hi all, sorry for my english first.
Anyway this isn't my problem, the problem is, i've got 2 accounts of sourceop.
So I explain why i got them.
Simply since i don't even remember the password of my old account "malga" i just create my actual "MalgaIT", you will obviusly say, why don't recover it?
Simple i just changed my account of email and since the old one i don't use anymore, can't remeber the password.
It's a kinda of funny things, but it's real, i hope i don't will banned for this (Sourceop rules say it explicity).
Here are the proof, of "malga" is the same person of "MalgaIT":
On "malga" you can see my post with my steam account link.
On MalgaIT you can see is the same.