Junior Member
76561197969502400 Steam join date: Jan 1, 1970
Steam Level: -1
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Friends Only
Help me out for Christmas!
This Christmas help someone out by donating a tiny amount to truly change my life. I hope you will consider giving anything to me, although I am not well known. I'm a MTF transsexual and I need money to help my transition. Its very expensive but it would help me become who I am on the inside. Thanks for your time and Happy Holidays!
http://www.gofundme.com/zoeymtf <<<DONATION LINK
thats my rep thread up there! I'm a trader and always pay fair price! I'm also a US veteran if that helps grease your wallets up.
Anyway please donate anything you feel would be appropriate to a random stranger! Thank you! ANY LITTLE BIT HELPS.