Thank you so much DF. I, and many others appreciate it very much!!
Thank you so much DF. I, and many others appreciate it very much!!
Thank you for making those changes, DF. Hopefully it will make a difference.
My two cents, I think following maps should also be removed.
Badlands (KOTH)
5 Gorge
Some may argue that Pipeline should stay, but in my opinion it is a server killer. Even though it has grown on some of us since its release, it's still one of those maps that won't end until someone caps. The other day, we dropped from 32 players to 20 once Pipeline started. Badlands (KOTH) and 5 Gorge aren't as fun as their other variants. Personally, I thought Nightfall was the better PLR map because it would actually end on its own, but that doesn't necessarily mean it should be re-added.
The following maps maxrounds/winlimit should be tweaked:
As blarky stated earlier, it is sad to see how empty the server is these days. I was used to seeing the server full all the time. I never used to receive game invites from people trying to fill the server...But now I get them daily.
I don't believe adding custom maps will help, and I do not feel they belong on SourceOP (It's called Valve Maps for a reason). When TF2 came out, we started with 6 maps. Now we're up to about 30, and it takes a very long time to get through the rotation. Especially when we have to play through the maps that are absolutely no fun. Let's keep the maps everyone enjoys, dump the bad ones and make the server fun to play on for hours again.
- Lion
Thanks DF! Those map changes alone will help dramatically. Thank you for listening to the community.
Thanks, DF!
I'm personally in favor of throwing King and Nightfall in the rotation! I feel like the people clamoring for custom maps are partly right, the server could use with a little change in scenery, but since custom maps are definitely server-killers, King + Nightfall seem like a happy medium! It'll just be nice to play something new for a bit, I think.
And I think a lot of people are forgetting that we can still continue to skip maps. The real problems here are the server-emptying maps I think, not the simply unpopular ones.
Hi Df
thanks you so much for listening to us I know the community will appreciate those changes))
and yes night fall and kong king would be great if you could manage it
thanks again hope you have a great Xmas
talk soon
Thanks a lot DF and I wasn't trying to turn this into a flame thread guys!!
Thank you for being our ever-benevolent God-King, DF!
I to would like some new scenery as it's been put.