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Thread: Is anyone gonna maintain this server?? EVER???

  1. #21
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    I started playing a few servers early on, (one being a prop Hunt server sourceop) and enjoyed it enough to donate and go on to other sourceop servers. I have to agree on all these posts that if something stays stagnant, it will die off. A few new maps wont hurt anything. But it does seem that it dies all the time due to crap maps. I'm playing more and more on Railbait servers because it has different maps and offers a new challenge.
    Time to upgrade this server or watch it die. Even the prop hunt server isnt what it used to be anymore.

  2. #22
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    I agree with everyone, except WombRaider.

    Maps need pruning.
    Voting system needs tweaking.

    The works.

    I personally have spent many an hour by myself trying to populate the server. Sometime it works, others not so much. It gets harder as time goes on. Frankly, as I see it, I put more effort into this server than you WombRaider and I think your attitude stinks.

    I asked for admin privileges, with but one power, to change maps. No banning, nothing else, just to change maps. I was completely ignored. Not even a rejection reply. (I could respect that. Leaving me hanging? Not so much.) It really seems nobody cares and I'm starting to wonder why I should to?

    I'll tell you why, because I like the community we have built here!!!!! I'm convinced we have some of the best TF2 players in the world here. I've known many people who are/were intimidated to play on SOP because of it, but when they do, they loved it!!

    I'm mostly a one community guy. I've found SOP. I now hang my hat here if you will, and I hate seeing it go down like this!!

    An old idiom I think might apply. "sh*t, or get off the pot". Before it's to late.

  3. #23
    WombRaider's Avatar

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    you guys dont understand what i was saying.

    and it's also clear you don't really know how much i've done for the server.

    it's OK. love to hate womb raider is the same game we've been playign for years lets keep it up doods.

    fun fact: the only way to get the rotation changed is to bug DF.

    start messagign him on steam.
    The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
    you guys dont understand what i was saying.
    Sure we did, we just don't agree.

    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
    and it's also clear you don't really know how much i've done for the server.
    Fair enough, you are right, I don't know. I do know you never join me when I join the server to try and get it going for the day. I also know I never see you on there by yourself trying to populate it. Why is that, admin?

    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
    it's OK. love to hate womb raider is the same game we've been playign for years lets keep it up doods.
    *plays fiddle* You make it so easy. You come across as arrogant and abrasive. It comes with the territory. *shrug* If I'm mistaken, and you are a sweet lovable guy underneath, I apologize. It's just the other guy I see all the time so I have to go with what I know right?

    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
    fun fact: the only way to get the rotation changed is to bug DF.

    start messagign him on steam.
    When I click send message, it does nothing. I was just now, finally able to him as a friend. It's always said his friend list was full in previous attempts. Now the balls in his court so to speak.

  5. #25
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    he and jill are the only ones that can make these changes that you guys want

    its always been that way. it's not so much that any of you were ever ignored as it is we just couldnt do anything about it
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  6. #26
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    I've been a regular on the Sourcep server 1 since about 2007, right when the Orange Box came out. Many days and hours have I played here! Throughout the years I have thoroughly enjoyed playing here, made a lot of online acquaintences, and enjoyed the usually civial yet funny/entertaining community here. Of course, I've also been appreciative of the hard work and contributions of people like DF.

    For several years, the server was consistently full during most times of the day and night with hundreds of regulars. Today, I am sad to see how empty the server is most of the time.

    There are a lot of reasons for that, some of which are not controllable (such as some of the regulars simply moving on from this game to other games). But other things ARE controllable and can help make a better experience for everyone.

    When people do play here, it's like a flash mob. A few die hards will join an empty or nearly empty server and hope enough people show up to play. Hopefully, enough people join and a few maps are played. This lasts up until when a bad map is selected and the server dies again.

    The sytem for map voting is unequivocally broken. When 80% or more of the people vote against Sawmill and it's STILL gets selected as the next map, something is wrong.

    I wholeheartidly agree with the letter that Enforcer posted above.

    Below are two options that DF and/or whoever still runs the Sourceop servers could consider to help out:

    Best case: The bad maps need to be removed from the rotation as noted earlier, along with the voting system being updated to the modern F1/F2 style. Potentially some new maps need to be added which would keep things interesting.

    Compromise case: Give other regulars here the power to change the map. Honestly I really see no reason why this can't be done.

    Thanks for your consideration.

  7. #27
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    the reason giving people the power to change the maps is a bad idea is because of situations like this:

    i REALLY like cp_heythere, and a lot of the people on the server are playing it and enjoying themselves. Fake admin Joe comes on and a few of his buddies are liek "hey joe we dont want to play this lets play cp_underagegirls instead" Joe is like "lol k d00ds" and changes the map.

    now, i fuckign HATE cp_underagegirls. so i leave.

    you can say that "well joe should never do that, that would be admin abuse." but let's be serious. it will happen. Fusion changed the map a few times for you guys and then for weeks he was flooded with messages on steam all the time saying "hey come change" from people on the server even when the map wasn't one of the server killers. (i personally witnessed enforcer do this)

    so the only time joe would need to change the map would be when the server is super dead. but if you change the map rotation this should theoretically never happen according to you guys, so it would make exactly 0 difference.

    Enforcer's letter contains one major problem: custom maps. I have played those maps. i like them. still, custom maps kill servers. adding "pro variants" is still a custom map.
    so far, qwo's list seems the most realistic, even though he kept pipeline on there and you guys always bitch and moan about pipeline so wussup

    just a side note,
    some of those maps on enforcer's list are specifically balanced with 6v6 play in mind. 16v16 on those maps can get truly terrible.
    The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider View Post
    it's not so much that any of you were ever ignored as it is we just couldnt do anything about it
    I asked DF here in fact via PM, I still have it in my sent folder. I never heard squat.

    Hi DF.

    Not sure what is the best way to go about this so I'll ask here first.

    I was wondering if it was possible to get admin on [Valve Maps] #1. I don't want any power other than being able to change the map.

    I try and get the servers going pretty regularly. I do have Fusion on my friends list, and request he change maps for me, but I hate bugging him all the time, and frankly he's not always on.

    There are definitely some maps that just send the regulars fleeing for, wherever, but they leave in droves. Or, make it damn near impossible to start the server up.

    I used to be able to get it full by 11AM-Noon. (Couple/few months back.) Now it's more like 3-4PM unfortunately. (I prefer to play SOP exclusively, but have been forced to other servers in the early morning.)

    It was suggested in chat yesterday that Harvest come back into rotation instead of say, Junction, or 2Fort. Or maybe a pruning period. Just some thoughts.

    So, yeah, please let me know what you think.

    Thank you.
    Admittedly, if I could go back I'd probably do a better job of it, but still!

  9. #29
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    Admittedly, I haven't played on the server in months but it is due to a new baby and no sleep

    My favorite game and my favorite server, so I'd love to have Fusion or Enforcer's suggestions implemented if possible.

    Now I'm starting to hope there is a server to return to

  10. #30
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    Ill make sure that the ppl who can make such changes see this thread, just keep the chat as civil as possible please.


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