76561197976694383 Steam join date: Jan 1, 1970
Steam Level: -1
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he is speedily (duh)
a valvemaps 1 regular. please divert your attentions back to the trading section/2fort drama
Speed, i will tell you some things you may not like to hear:
1) The map rotation is fine. I've suggested this before but no one seems to understand it: every stock/shipped map is fine. Engineers ruin maps.
Double cross is an excellent CTF map. it has literally everythign a CTF map needs. Multiple routes to and from a flag that isnt 5 miles behind the enemy spawn. It has areas for every class. What makes doublecross shit? Engineers. When you have to coordinate a pub team through a base guarded by 3 level 3 wrangled sentries, everything is going to suck.
The same can be said for all the traditionally "shit" maps. The reason they're "shit" is because the already spammy fuckfest that is a 32 man server instantly turns into a spammy fuckfest where one team throws itself at a brick wall for 30 minutes and doesn't accomplish anything due to some girl sitting beind a fuckign sentry gun that covers every choke point flawlessly from the ass end of the map.
Oh you know that uber you built to push through their defense? Pomson.
engineer is shit. actively flame everyone that plays it.
Even sawmill is a good map when you remove engineers.
So now, after about 5 years of playing against engineers and having them ruin large areas of otherwise good maps, you're jaded against maps like doublecross, even though you can't really say why. (hint: it's engineers) So you see it come up on the map vote, and you vote against it. Well you get to play your fastlane or whatever the fuck you guys like to play all the time now, and you're happy for a bit, but eventually you get to doublecross when you cant get that huge percentage. You throw a fit. you instantly either quit of run to steam chat to beg fusion to change the map.
what you could have been doing was playing the game.
2) the admins for the server are fine. There are quite a few. if any actual problems arise, the contact admin system still gets one of us on. i know of at least 4 people who have remote admin access to valvemaps 1 and at least one of them is available at all times. What you really want an admin there for is to change the map, and that's not the admin's job.
3) Custom maps kill the server. there was a custom maps server. it was always empty. adding new maps kills the server, it doesnt revive it.
4) tf2 is dying. the competition is dying. the people pubbing are growing up and moving on. old players hate the new weapons and don't want to play against them. no new people are joining.
sorry brah, but them's the facts
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.