My first post towards this.

Its great that the maps that generally empty the server have been removed. Hydro and junction kill the server sometimes, but aren't nearly as cancerous as the others. I too would love to see Kong King and Nightfall added and I think it would be great if Turbine and Viaduct were replaced by their pro version counterparts on the server.

I also doubt that custom maps would kill the server, I'm sure most of the regulars would enjoy new maps rather than playing the same stuff that's been around forever. Personally not liking a map is different from it being bad or emptying out the server. So I don't really see where a full rotation being 15 hours (or any margin of time) is that big of a deal. Who stays on for 15 hours, or even 6 for that matter, just to see a single map they like?

Anyways, thank god those maps were removed. Huzzah