I like junction![]()
I like junction![]()
I am saying that with a small map like junction final point, Yes having 5 engineers is a problem. I said engineers were a problem in ctf_sawmill too. With sawmill at least I can corner peak the guns and not be raped unlike junction where 3 outta 5 are pointing no matter when you peak from
The map vote really needs to be changed to the F keys/fixed. It comes up at the worst possible time, most of the time. Like in the middle of a fire fight. You end up voting for "something" (while trying to switch weapons, desperately, to prevent death...) and if you live, you have to stop, leaving yourself vulnerable (In a 32 slot server, it's usually suicide.) just to !revote, or you can ignore it. I'm sure many don't bother, thus basically breaking the voting system. (Or making it pointless.) It's hit or miss at best. A clusterfrack if you will.
I did not think DF was still active in the SO business, but he is needed. Now that we have made this important first step, let's tighten up the rotation further. The server is still going to die as often with this new rotation. Refer to my original post for the stable rotation suggestion. To supplement the idea, I would be in favor of adding a new batch of admins with potential map voting capabilities (with passing being somewhere around 60%). These folks would be able to enliven the rotation at a whim if the smaller one became too boring. I would also nominate Enforcer as one of these fresh deputies. With the proper measures taken SourceOP could end up as one of the last surviving servers in TF2 like it should be.
So what's next? Removing a handful of maps was a good first step, though obviously not the final one.
put your junk in that box
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
Right, so, oh well.
well I've been banned due to this anarchist admin system, fuck sourcep, fuck ibby, fuck the guy who banned me and fuck the people who don't maintain this server, you are all a bunch of faggots
*oh yeah fuck that faggot Stephen aka Womb Raider cause he is never on the valve maps server anyway but he has to chime in on posts cause his boyfriend isn't pushing it in far enough*
im the guy that banned him (for a week), you're welcome
he was whining about ibby using an aimbot or something to everyone, saying he didnt care if he got banned since he hasn't donated anything but 5 dollars 5 years ago, and saying "faggot" and "fag" repeatedly. i asked him to stop and he just kept going.
and for the record: i play a lot more than some of you seem to realize
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
that's quite funny!
People don't realize what moderators do behind the scenes.
oh and on that note::
- 1:34 AM - Speedily [SAUZ]: ok I have things to do better than listen to some dumbass on TF2
- 1:34 AM - Paste: by all means go do them
- 1:34 AM - Speedily [SAUZ]: and thanks u very much but I'll write whatever I want whenever I want on ANY forum so go fuck yourself
and why is this user still a member of this forum?