76561197967811979 Steam join date: Jul 30, 2004
Steam Level: 14
Profile Status:
1.) Engineers are not the problem on maps, period. I can take just about any gun by myself even wrangled; a slightly drunk demo can blindly kill a sentry (Enforcer). The rotation is the problem. I've never heard/seen in chat/voice "that engineer ruined this map." But I've seen and said "xxx map is coming up (Badlands, Junction, Sawmill etc.. for me), see ya later." It happens ALL the time. Keep maps that fill the server, can support a full 32 persons, and don't make people leave. Everyone has their pet maps and hated ones but there's a good consensus among the regulars (your donors) that certain maps need tweaked (Hightower) or need to go. (2Fort, Sawmill)
2.)good admins
3.) Customs do kill, but flavors of the week fill.
4.) I disagree that TF2 is dying. Look at the numbers, down but not abysmal. Plus F2P means more people trying the game everyday. Build your community and people will come. I still tell everyone I meet at the LANs I go to that they should be donating $10 to SourceOP because it has the best people to play with. If you want the community to die, ignore it and see what happens. It's your choice and I would rather play on a full server with people I've known for a while then keep playing with donks that uber scouts to take out sentries.