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Thread: Competitive TF2 Top Plays of the Week

  1. #21
    Drunken F00l's Avatar

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    SourceOP Thread

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    jk, he's actually at the bottom.

  2. #22
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    counter-jk, I actually top it but I hate bragging

  3. #23
    trover4's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-met
    I hate bragging
    your view of yourself is truly amazing.

  4. #24
    Hell-met's Avatar

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    Thanks mate

  5. #25
    trover4's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hell-met
    Thanks mate
    for sure

    a little more on subject there are a few players that i think could hang with the best in a normal game of tf2 but not competitively (yet at least). There are a few servers these guys just play normal games on daily. For instance the Lost Continents servers are home to at least 15 cevo-p players not to mention a few handfuls of top notch cevo-free players and many other overall great players. (if im not mistaken i've played with yay! there as well). The only way sourceop's players could stack up would be to either play and get good at playing with the better players or if sourceop had a private server that was used daily by only the good-great sourceop'ers. Scraping up people who suck at a video game and playing against a team that has 3-4 good players doesn't make you better. Learning Orzo, Sureshot, or Coffstah's techniques and figuring out how to hold you ground in a game that has nothing but good-great players does.

    Not saying there are perfect replacements here but you take a server and daily stuff it full of sourceop's best and we're all likely to become pretty damn good, and eventually make your transistion into competitve play easy and successfull.

  6. #26
    Agua's Avatar

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    This is a long one, feel free to ignore:

    Many of the people who would make the transition easy are the ones who are good, yet tend to get frustrated in the giant pub games. If you put good, communicative players in an environment with other good, communicative players, everyone's skill level will increase.

    It's been frustrating over at the no crit lately because I was hoping more of the regs would visit there. cevo and h20 players moonlight there, but there's still an overflow of people either new to TF2 or new to SourceOP.

    While it's nice to teach/help newer players to step up their game (well, the ones that get it and are willing to listen), the pacing is not the type of back and forth you would expect from a "pro rotation" server. It's still the same old everyone complaining of stacking rather than just learning to play as a team. It's funny to me because it is actually the quietest of all the servers. No one really talks. I tend blather on all the time like I usually do, but there are many times when the vibe isn't there for communicating at all.

    I don't know, DF...Maybe assemble a SourceOP team or SourceOP related team? I could understand how that might not be attractive and an additional pain. I don't know much about pro play nor the clans that usually inhabit SourceOP, but I have to wonder whether or not a "cross-clan" SourceOP team might actually be pretty cool. It would definitely add a different dynamic and cross-training with other clans has the potential to share ideas and become better players in general. On the other hand, I could see it being a disaster as well if people didn't get along.

    Alright, I'm through thinking out loud.

  7. #27
    trover4's Avatar

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    The idea of a SourceOP team is an interesting one all except for the fact that people that form/join clans all get along, communicate, and play well with each other. I bet you could grab the 6 best players on sourceop and they wouldn't stand a chance against H2O because of the communication and experience. Its best to let people form clans with the people they like to play with.

    I don't know your competitive experience Agua, but very few clans/players make the transition well at all. Not to say it doesn't come to them eventually but when you play against other experienced clans that know what they're doing you will get rolled more often than not. I've been on inexperienced teams that had a significant amount more skill than the teams we've played and lost because they played better as a team. Its all in experience, skill, problem solving, and communication. But im yet to see a person that has a real desire to play competitively and stick with it past being rolled not eventually get it somewhat together and play well and move forward.

    Basically i think it would be cool to make the Pro-Rotation server private and be somewhat selective on who got to play...problem is most people play on the servers because they are either 32 man or 24/7 one map and it would fail hardcore without a commitment of a good amount of players.

  8. #28
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    I have no competitive experience at all, but if I could choose 6 people to put up against an "h20" or other clan, the people I would choose, in my opinion, would work things out and stand a chance...but I guess that's starting a clan, huh?

    See, when I look at "stellar" players it doesn't involve HLstats or topping the board. Topping the board is for those who get the most points, not those that win the game. Granted, chart toppers usually help or can be the "Michael Jordan" of the team, but so many times people do not notice the one engie who did nothing but help upgrade everyone's buildings or built a sentry that cut off the back entrance to a point, the spy that took out entrances at a key moment that turned the momentum, the medic that saved their uber to use as a counter, the scout that jumped in front of the cart (and got killed) but stopped it rolling just long enough for the attack classes to clear the 6 players pushing it...these are the ones that make or break a round. There are no point systems for them, and most of them don't care about that aspect of things (or do so in minutely healthy amounts). Those are the people I consider good players, and maybe not the "pubstars" you might think I'm talking about.

    Granted, as with any team, they would have to learn to work together, but these types of players I have in mind (even cross-clan) are the ones that I think could hack it.

    A few of the players I would choose are chart toppers, but most of them hover around the middle and do the little things that win the game, but nobody notices.

  9. #29
    Adder's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Agua

    A few of the players I would choose are chart toppers, but most of them hover around the middle and do the little things that win the game, but nobody notices.
    If no one notices, then how do you know about them?

  10. #30
    trover4's Avatar

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    don't take it the wrong way i don't think you would pick nothing but pubstars, its just without the amount of experience/communication and knowledge of how 6v6 works it would be exactly as you said "starting a clan" and it would work like most working clans...lots of losses and slow rise to a competitve level. I don't think of the 6 best players being the top 6 hlstatsx players, and im not about to start naming people. But i suppose you could pick 6 people with a good bit of competitve experience and then maybe it would have a chance, but i think you know thats not what i meant. On top of this i encourage you to find the players you think could do it organize them, put them in a steam group post announcements and make them wear a clan tag and join some competitions. In other words, make a clan and give it a shot.

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