WTH, does MLG really think people are going to pay to watch videos of people playing TF2? They are just harming their own cause by having the YouTube vid removed.
WTH, does MLG really think people are going to pay to watch videos of people playing TF2? They are just harming their own cause by having the YouTube vid removed.
MLG bought usage rights from ESPN, so they're just trying to protect their investment.
The third installment is finally out, it was delayed by the intro issue and the primary vid editor being too busy with real life issues. So now they have someone new behind the scenes.
My favourite one was Moose on Badlands.Originally Posted by yay
soldier vids are the best, the spy was really good to
I gotta say that I think there's a handful of people that hang around sourceOP that could hack it with these folks. It would be interesting if we could actually get them all together.
but I am a pubstar
or maybe I don't know what it means after all
how do you call someone who has a competitive mentality and skills but only plays in pubs?
Being able to put up high scores on a 32man pub is nothing like 6v6 matchplay. Everything is different, especially who you're shooting at and what it takes to win a round, much less a map.
I'm not saying there aren't skilled players at SourceOP, but the atmosphere is completely different and you'd likely find a few mediocre players that shine in a 6's environment and some pubstars that completely crumble.
I encourage everyone who is interested or thinks they can compete to join/form a team and see what you're made of.
A great resource is the H2O crew, they are homegrown here on SourceOP and have made the full transition into competitive play.
I'm playing more and more on the 12vs12 nocrit server, I think it's a good step in the right direction.
Still topping the boardjk