Yep. I can recall it was maybe 6 years-ish? ago, I was in Reading, and a 4.4 or so earthquake hit. Was baller fo sho.Originally Posted by whitefox
Yep. I can recall it was maybe 6 years-ish? ago, I was in Reading, and a 4.4 or so earthquake hit. Was baller fo sho.Originally Posted by whitefox
I used to live in levittown PA, but we moved up here because the houses are cheaper, lol.
My beautiful dog Nibbles.
Nibbles had puppies about 2 1/2 weeks ago. This one will be mine. His name's Lil' Boy.
The rest of the pups.
ThanksShe's part German Sheppard part Corgie.
she looks quite fluffy, both nibbles and the eskie
She's only fluffy after we take her out of the bath. As of now, she stays outside in the tent we've set up for her and her puppies. She'll need a bath as soon as they're through feeding off her.Originally Posted by Ranma
My father has to make a constant effort not to call her Nipples... :l
This is my bearded dragon I've had for about 8 months. His name, oddly enough is Hector. (don't ask, I didn't name him) I wanted Morgrath The Destroyer or something...
He's about 12" long tip to tip and sunning, that's when he puffs up, he's about 3 inches wide on the belly. (he's a fat ass) He just swallowed a cricket whole, that's why he has sand on his snout.
Just an updated picture. (yes i'm the crazy dog lady...)