Pierre rocks! He free roams the bus and a few times a day actually will glide in the bus.
EDIT: Just thinking we should post a little more information than just a picture. So
Pierre is an Australian Sugar Glider which is basically like a flying squirrel mixed with a ferret (not literally, its a seperate species and is actually a marsupial not a rodent). They are extremely energetic/playfull and with a lot of TLC grow very attached to humans. Every other person i know with one has to keep it caged as it likes to hide under things and run away as soon as possible and if left alone in an environment such as a house will basically go apeshit and tear everything apart and won't act the same afterwards. However Pierre does just fine out of the cage (though to be fair he rarely leaves my shoulder let alone my sight unless i leave town) and like i said in the bus he will climb up to the hand rails and glide barking towards the old air conditioner for fun. Aside from making me sound weird for having a marsupial hanging off me while i go out in public. Thats all i had to add
this is my pet, i call him wieks. he's a bit slow but we're working on it
Now this is just plain uncivilized.
Originally Posted by unknown
you would
I don't currently have pets anymore.
This was my favorite kitty- coolest cat EVAR!
Second best kitty EVAR (even though my silly sister named her after that cat from Sailor Moon):
And my dumb dog (I miss her):
:SOriginally Posted by Versed