Le facepalm.
>Mfw two scammer alts from the same guy add me to sell keys
I am SO sick of that too.
... this:
sun5hine | TF2.roWTB.12 buds 32$: Hello
sun5hine | TF2.roWTB.12 buds 32$: How may I help you?
Toasty: May I purchase your Tam for a Private Eye?
sun5hine | TF2.roWTB.12 buds 32$: No.
Toasty: It's worth 2 ref
Toasty: lol
sun5hine | TF2.roWTB.12 buds 32$: I don't need it.
Toasty: So re-sell mine
Toasty: *resell
sun5hine | TF2.roWTB.12 buds 32$: I don't like the hat at all
Toasty: Mmkay, fuck you then
Toasty: Try to be a bit nicer when trading next time
sun5hine | TF2.roWTB.12 buds 32$: =)
sun5hine | TF2.roWTB.12 buds 32$: Haha
sun5hine | TF2.roWTB.12 buds 32$ : I'm not "nicer" because I simply don't want to do the deal?
sun5hine | TF2.roWTB.12 buds 32$: umadbro
Toasty: *overused meme alert*
Toasty is now Offline.
I mean WTF, why would you need to go rude if someone refuse to trade with you? I hate this kind of traders. Really.
Some funny stuff, i guess a scammer finnaly read my whole post and saw that "scammers dont waste your time" then this happend
|GWU| Combustible Lemons: Hi
*Pan Dulce*: hi
*Pan Dulce*: whats up?
|GWU| Combustible Lemons: I would like to buy 2 bills from you I will go first
*Pan Dulce*: k do u have rep?
|GWU| Combustible Lemons: profile
|GWU| Combustible Lemons: I traded with alot of peple on pp before
*Pan Dulce*: were did u see my ad?
|GWU| Combustible Lemons: SOP
|GWU| Combustible Lemons:
|GWU| Combustible Lemons: Never mind why am I even trying I am scam tagged on steamrep
|GWU| Combustible Lemons: I scammed a guy for weps once
|GWU| Combustible Lemons: sorry to bother u
*Pan Dulce*: k
*Pan Dulce*: bye
|GWU| Combustible Lemons: bye
|GWU| Combustible Lemons is now Offline.
GOD, traders like Toasty make me sick!
Toasty: Mmkay, fuck you then <-- fuck u
Toasty: Try to be a bit nicer when trading next time <- try to be nicer WTF??
That kind of shit is getting worse. I don't know why. Is the world getting more angry?
I have also noticed more people just adding me on the fly for a trade I may have going. Which, normally is completely fine. But they offer a bunch of junk for whatever I'm selling instead of what I was actually asking. I don't get how someone can just think that's acceptable. IN WHAT UNIVERSE IS THAT OK!?!?