Datacenter Technician at godaddy.
Datacenter Technician at godaddy.
I am a welder, ultrasound technician, and quality inspector for a car manufacturer. One day I'm going to moonlight as an author.
Copied other thread
Originally Posted by -LMA
I am an energy plant operator for a Public Hospital the consumes not only my soul but 4 city blocks. I repair steam boilers, medical air compressors, vacuum pumps, chillers (2000 ton A/c unit makes cold water), various types of heat exchangers, large water pumps, desel generators (6 total) that in a power outage can provide enough power to run the entire facility, also welding of pipe both steam and chilled water, aluminum, iron, steel, stainless steel, brazing of copper, bronze, totally a blue collar man.
Ill never be rich and my hands are calloused up like a catchers mitt but it is fun........ sometimes.
medic / x-ray technologist in the army for 22 years, 9 months and 15 days (now retired, yay!). currently working part-time for a health clinic in north county st louis.
Only and ever as a fellow St. Louis dweller would high school did you go to?Originally Posted by Sticky_Mucus
Software Developer in New Orleans
Pharmacy Tech
PC Tech
firefighter/paramedic by day.
open source developer and firearm aficionado by night.
electrical engineer at a major computer company