I'm loving the no crit server but there still seems to be some problems with it. If I'm understanding correctly and it's really supposed to be a CEVO/CAL-like map rotation then a few changes could help it a ton.
-Removal of ctf_well, ctf_2fort, tc_hydro. It's especially bad since these maps are all right in a row and I think that's doing a decent job of clearing the server out when it does have players. If you want to get it even closer to a "pro rotation" take out pl_goldrush and pl_badwater. CEVO doesn't play them. I'm not sure other leagues do either. I don't mind them particularly though and some smaller leagues play them.
-Add the CEVO versions of cp_freight and cp_broma. Both are pretty cool maps in CEVO this season. Freight seems like it's going to stick around.
-Add TF2True
-Add a vote map skip option
-Add a winlimit. There were some especially bad rollings last night that went on forever.