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Thread: Private messages from Irish

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    Quote Originally Posted by Irish View Post
    No plan of attack. The few blowhards with not much going on have limited backpacks on a site that deals mainly with TF2 trading. Or is this when you tell me about 8 years ago and the true intention of the site? Maybe you need too look at the forum tree and explain all the other serious activity in the threads not Trading or Selling.......They are blowing up with activity.
    The trading and selling section have major activity? All I see are bumps every 10 seconds, man, that's totally exciting

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    Quote Originally Posted by beefntators View Post
    I guess you haven't heard my reputation of being a "shark killer" and if I was a scammer, don't you think I would have been reported by now? Also do you see any sales threads made by me in the past month?
    Don't give me your "charity" bullshit, trying to bolster your already shitty argument.

    Not trying to bolster anything? So your ok with using the word retard.......Hey, your character not mine.

    Shark killer? Hold it I have a side stitch from laughing.......I'll end this feeble argument of yours. there are specific rules to being a SOP Trusted Seller and you miss more than hit. So no, you carry no weight with me about being trustworthy. Private packs tend to mean your hiding something and from just the past 8 hours I don't buy your a pillar of the community bullshit.

    Shark Killer......I love it. did you get a tattoo of that by any chance?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by beefntators View Post
    The trading and selling section have major activity? All I see are bumps every 10 seconds, man, that's totally exciting
    So what. Its activity. Thousands of dollars move through those two forums each day. Anyone that comes to SOP is here to buy or unload TFT2 items and gather SOP rep. If you think other wise and that goes for the board owners as well you are kidding yourself.

  3. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irish View Post
    How can you remove a friend if there is no friend in your list?

    Omfg my sides

    Ok genius, since you're new to Steam 'n all, when a friend request is sent, that's called an 'Invitation'. And on your Steam Friend's List, invitations to people are all noted at the very bottom of your list.

    You're growing up so fast!

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irish View Post
    Not trying to bolster anything? So your ok with using the word retard.......Hey, your character not mine.

    Shark killer? Hold it I have a side stitch from laughing.......I'll end this feeble argument of yours. there are specific rules to being a SOP Trusted Seller and you miss more than hit. So no, you carry no weight with me about being trustworthy. Private packs tend to mean your hiding something and from just the past 8 hours I don't buy your a pillar of the community bullshit.

    Shark Killer......I love it. did you get a tattoo of that by any chance?

    - - - Updated - - -

    So what. Its activity. Thousands of dollars move through those two forums each day. Anyone that comes to SOP is here to buy or unload TFT2 items and gather SOP rep. If you think other wise and that goes for the board owners as well you are kidding yourself.
    Which rules am I breaking by being a TS? Mr.I'mveryjealousofbeefbeingaTSbecausehesabetterpe rsonthanmeandnotstupidatall, also I like calling truly stupid people like you retard, here's my way of calling a disabled child -> unique, here's what I call absolutely stupid humans -> retard, I suppose you don't understand "modern" connotations and decide to refer to past connotations to make you feel better about yourself

    Quoted for truth: peteyM3: is he new or something? He actually takes beef serious?

    Making you angry was well worth it, laughing so much jesus christ

    BP made public, enjoy incessant backpack fapper

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irish View Post
    So is being a SOP Trusted Seller just bullshit or do they actually believe in their mission statement? I guess Atom and Schwegs don't care much. Which speaks volumes on that badge you get to wear.

    Private backpack? Are you holding stolen shit? That's what I'm reading.....Better unload those items into that ALT ASAP. The leadership of the SOP Trusted Sellers may find it hypocritical to have a member that blatantly does her own shit. Some shadiness going on here I sense............For Captain Abortion to be a leader of this community I find it odd that he hasn't linked his Steam ID to the site. Is that account laundering TF2 virtual items as well?
    Dear Irish,

    I appreciate your concerns regarding the aforementioned SOP Trusted Seller member "beefntators". I have sent him a PM about the rules which govern membership in our elite group. Thank you for your feedback, backpacks and profiles should never be private as long as an individual has membership. That said, as this is the flame bucket section, any flaming or "letting off of steam" by any SOP member (trusted seller or not) is acceptable to the standard set by SOP adminship. We bear no responsibility for you being anatagonised by comments made in this section.

    In regards to your comments regarding the leadership of the SOP Trusted Sellers, namely the quote above, quite honestly, I am at a loss as to who you actually are to make such an observation? With all respect, who are you? Your uninformed, misguided comments are quite insulting to the effort which schwegs and I have put in maintaining the List. Since the very start of cash trading in December 2010, the SOP Trusted Sellers have epitomised the very trusted of the trading community. It is a prestigious title to have. I personally screen each applicant before their admission as an applicant, on top of any other requirements they must fulfil. Additionally they need to achieve 5 vouches from our members. All our members do their best to uphold the mission statement. I still am unaware of your involvement regarding any positions that you may hold where you would privy to supplying insightful comments on the operation of the Trusted Seller group or the mentality/motivation of its leadership. I would very much like to be informed.

    You may be too new here, but beef has been involved in some worthwhile initiatives within the SOP community where he has demonstrated his value and commitment to bettering the trade environment. I find it unbecoming of yourself that you actually take him seriously when he is in troll mode.

  6. #26
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    Who am I to make a comment? Just a guy who read your rules to be a member of the group and observe you have a member that didn't follow the rules. While you feel its an elitist group to be on I'm not overly impressed with tater tot here. She openly does her own thing in regards to your prestigious title. Don't get angry because tater tots wanted to dance and got exposed for doing her own thing. Its YOUR list so its YOUR responsibility to maintain the integrity of your members and make sure they follow YOUR rules. Asking me to defend my insighful comments? Holy shit man. Just read the rules and notice someone doesn't follow them. Not rocket science and I name dropped you and Schwegs because you allowed it. Don't gte pissed because you fell asleep at the rule. I've traded decent dollars dozens of times and I'd put 20-30 guys ahead of tater tots in regards to trust. Troll mode or not I can respond in kind. Now that you made her BP public what about the actual selling part? Doesn't a SOP Trusted Seller need to actually sell items? Have an active sell thread or is it cool just to get on your list and go another way?

    I find it odd you counter attack and ask me what positions that I hold in regards to the trading community. I'm not the one posting a moral road-map and expectations of their members. You did and therefore need to answer questions on their behavior. If you can't take criticism don't respond. Asking me who I am instead of just answering why you looked the other way makes more sense. Its apparent that after someone is on your list you don't care much what happens afterward. Again, I don't need any insight to read whats in front of me.

    Actually, other than the SOP Trusted Database and seeing your name as leadership not even sure how qualified you are to be leading that group. I mean your BP is as weak as tater tots. How the hell do all these nontraders with limited trading activity govern the community at large? I call horseshit. I may create my own group of trusted sellers that actually buy/sell/trade. I mean I have never scammed anyone. Never sharked anyone. Have more recent trades than anyone in this thread. I'm the most qualified seller in this list at this moment. Lulz.

    You, Mike, tots & abortion made my morning already. I bear no responsibility for you being anatagonised by comments made in this section.

    But in truth Atom your probably an all right guy. But I don't care. Once you made it about me calling out your member that doesn't follow your group rules SOP Trusted Sellers list was made available to chat about. Keep a clean house and it would be above reproach. Right now I simply see that you carry dead weight.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeV View Post
    Omfg my sides

    Ok genius, since you're new to Steam 'n all, when a friend request is sent, that's called an 'Invitation'. And on your Steam Friend's List, invitations to people are all noted at the very bottom of your list.

    You're growing up so fast!

    Actually I have more years than 90% of this forum being a member of Steam. Could be my settings but the invitation bar didn't show after I clicked that link or I would have pulled it back. Again Mike.......I'm very disappointed in our military this morning. It was with a heavy heart I woke this morning knowing that your there to protect us if the need arises. All trolling aside this truth is very disheartening.

    For everyone else reading this train wreck and not involved. Character attacks are below board and shouldn't be done. But publicly and in PM I have been called everything from a retard to a prick to a fuck. Which is most displeasing this all stems from feedback I provided for an app to make the forum more enjoyable for a few to get caught up on the daily posts. The three blowhards in this thread either don't have the financial means to pay five dollars and get on board or simply lack the ability for change. Abortion went to lengths telling everyone this site would need to pay $800 for the app not to have a nag screen for the forum users but Skyrider was able to turn it off without an outlying of cash. Allot of misinformation for something they didn't understand and when I argued back about the benefits of the app they took it as an attack on their high tier status on this forum. Not much I can do but when your in a game you need to compete which regrettably now includes character attacks as seen in this thread. I simply wanted to follow the request to keep the back and forth in PM's but abortion felt the need to make it a public display. Doing so he exposes not just himself but other members of the community including the SOP Trusted Sellers thread. As far as the TF2 community at large...threads like this don't bring on new membership they send members packing and turn off new members as well. But hell, even with my newness I knew to keep this type of bullshit in PM and not on a board. The three outstanding non-trading members feel otherwise. Way to promote SOP. Not unlike shitting on every suggestion thread created. Why make SOP better. They like it just the way it is.

    As for the gentlemen in this thread.......I'm available all day by PM. I have enough respect for Butane And Sky not to keep smutting up their forum. Again, this type of bullshit hurts a community more than expands it. Unless they chime in and say they don't care and then I'll then continue the back and forth with you as my time permits.

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    Dear Irish,

    Thank you for your comments. They are all valid points and hopefully I have alleviated your concerns in regards to the matter. That said, we are not taskmasters, and in the end our members are human and deserve their autonomy. Things can be easily remedied if you simply maintain an approachable, open discourse.

    I want to thank you for your passion and prudence for upholding our group rules and it has made me realise why traders look up to a SourceOP Trusted Seller. We welcome any other individual who is willing to take the initiative to make their own "trusted" sellers group. We wish you every success in your endeavour if you choose to do so. However, being a SOP Trusted Seller transcends merely possessing a "strong BP" or having "the most recent trades". That said, we have a diverse range of members with diverse BPs, from active to casual traders.

    Thank you for pointing out my backpack and taking a shot at myself. Yes my active trading days are over but I have done the gamut of buying/selling activities on this forum, that's how I made my way to leadership of the group. You can also add in my community service such as co-organising the CureSearch Charity Drive where fxu and myself raised $1055 in a week for cancer research and my Middleman Service where I was selfless with my time in protecting the community in cash trades when scamming was on the rise for over a year. Oh yes, a SourceOP Trusted Seller goes beyond your one-dimensional definition of "trusted" "seller". Before you discredit my qualifications please attempt to do some sort of research, my credentials speak for themselves. Regardless, I don't need to justify myself to you. But thanks for letting me flaunt my ego, I needed it.

    If you do have any concerns regarding our members, I would appreciate it if you direct these concerns to myself via PM or schwegs so changes can be actioned in a timely fashion if required.

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    Stroke away. Everyone is doing it in this thread. As far as calling you out you did enter the thread and at least came off just a liiiiiitle would agree. You could care less about my feelings in your group I think. Its more about damage control for your girl tots who didn't follow the rules. There won't be a need for a pm if your members keep to themselves and don't attack me. Honestly, that group doesn't hold much weight for me with the additional tools available since that group was created. Most I would think make their decisions on trading using other means. From what I seen from tots and that your active trading days are behind you I'm not juiced one way or another concerning that badge. My only concern would bbe practice what you preach. any group that is there to protect the traders of tf2 gets my vote. Maybe you just lost your way a bit over the last year or so. Few questions. When will tots sell again? Shouldn't a trusted seller actually sell? Now that your done trading wouldn't a more active trader be a better admin for the group?

  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irish View Post

    You, Mike, tots & abortion made my morning already. I bear no responsibility for you being anatagonised by comments made in this section.

    What do you think is happening right now?
    The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.

  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irish View Post
    this type of bullshit hurts a community more than expands it.
    Nah, your type of bullshit lets passersby know who to avoid and who's the But newsflash: you getting wiped across the forum floors won't stop trading business as usual on this site

    Your poor Tapatalk goes out the window and then in desperation, you mark Omega's input as invalid because of his backpack (still get a good chuckle from that haha). Then when I call you out on your stupid remark, you get pissy and outta left field bash my deployment to Iraq and service in the military (and continue to vent your rage via PM), what a tough lil man yew are!

    Quote Originally Posted by Irish
    As for the gentlemen in this thread.......I'm available all day by PM.
    Don't hide boy, continue to show your true colors here, in public. Because as people can see from the original post, they know how you are via PM. You're doing a nice job of making yourself look bad. We like tearing complete dickheads like yourself down. I implore you to continue

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