I'll slow it down for you since your not that keen. My settings are for my friends list are for online only. I believe that's why I didn't see the open invite to recall it. i didn't see it..So fukin what? Unsure what devastating point your trying to make about me hitting the wrong icon and not pulling it back immediately?
As far as the backpack goes. Again, so fukin what? The rules state you will have an open backpack. I don't care what Valve put into place. If its not working adjust your rules. All I know now is your lost and your leet backpack is open for everyone to see it.
You have done your fair share of trading so you still get listed a a trusted seller? Of what value is that designation if your all dried up and have no addiction to pixels? Its a trusted sellers list but you don't sell? Makes sense. I've traded many times with a few of the guys listed on that list. Your just an absolute mess. I haven't called out anyone on that list and don't intend to because they do their thing the right way. You don't.
I judge the BP because a few of you have heavy opinions on how shit should run but contribute nothing to the trading community. I don't care to hear about what you did years ago or how much blood and sweat you shed. Its about the here and now and you my uniformed friend marginalize the Trusted Sellers list. Quote that for truth by the way. Your a joke and a slap in the face to most of those traders on that list.
I seen you both shut the fuck up when you got told to stay out of the Team Captain sale thread pretty fast by that moderator. Again, you contribute nothing to the trading community but flap your gums in threads you have no reason being in.
Same redundant shit by you both over and over again. Its gotten old and you have to fight on the web. Just a class act.
The trusted trader remark has me laughing. No, I don't need a sale thread and be on some list that has zero community gravity any longer. Maybe a few years back but not now. With Outpost, trade servers and other forums for selling or buying it just doesn't mean much. Atom may be a decent guy and I'm sure that list has some merit but not much to me. I've done fine buying and selling without having any regard on who is or isn't listed on that thread. Until you started popping off there are no moral issues with me? What, not agreeing with a few douche-bags that don't even sell/buy/trade has a consequence? Holy shit that's rich. I'm not feeling it........
At the end of this evening you were told to open up your backpack and you did. Don't get angry just follow the rules. Keep flapping your gums and I'll go on a fukin rant to every TF2 forum I can find and refer back to that list and your inability to follow the rules. I can bet the farm that a few other TF2 players will agree that a team of Trusted Sellers should follow their mandate except when they no longer want to. That a list of trusted sellers can hide their backpacks or not sell or trade TF2 items in the first place.
And I do believe in Christian Charity by the way. When I think of all the quality outstanding soldiers that lost their lives while Mike types away I can only pray that one day Mike takes the place of one of those soldiers. Spare the family of a person of high quality and replace his loss with someone of Mike's quality. That trade would be my greatest of all time. You can't even put a price on that backpack.
LOL, that mod is Fusion btw. He knows Beef and I have to get our digs in on Blackened. You don't want to know his opinion of you
Oh God, please do, and refer them back here while you're at it. PLEASE. You don't even have a dime to your virtual name.
Keep mocking those who serve and died. The nerve you have to call them out in a TF2 gaming forum to solidify your empty argument here speaks volumes of what kind of person you are. Your complete disrespect continues to shine with every post you make.
Damn, you really are MAD. If I'm correct, I have never dealt with you when I was a trader and thank god, if you know nothing of my trade history, then don't say shit, you blurt out empty statements constantly making you look VERY stupid (then again I assume your IQ is 30). Also, I opened my backpack WAY before atom PM'd me, check when I last edited the post and check when atom posted, large time difference, all my own "stunts." You still remain hypocritical "arguing" on the internet, think before you speak because you've been arguing with me, Mike and Womb since yesterday.
When did I put my opinions on how shit should run? We never said anything about your tapatalk nonsense and we haven't told you "how to trade" or anything else, we're simply telling you to get off these forums because you're ignorant as hell. Also, I really DGAF about what fusion said in that thread, I'll post whatever I want to defame a known shark; in addition, it's not like I'd waste my time constantly posting a picture of a shark every ten minutes whereas you keep fighting a losing battle with no argument in your posts every ten minutes.I judge the BP because a few of you have heavy opinions on how shit should run but contribute nothing to the trading community. I don't care to hear about what you did years ago or how much blood and sweat you shed. Its about the here and now and you my uniformed friend marginalize the Trusted Sellers list. Quote that for truth by the way. Your a joke and a slap in the face to most of those traders on that list.
I seen you both shut the fuck up when you got told to stay out of the Team Captain sale thread pretty fast by that moderator. Again, you contribute nothing to the trading community but flap your gums in threads you have no reason being in.
Also, you do have moral issues, remember this?
And you still shit talk about Mike's service in the military? Seems your lying about your "altruistic" deeds, how immoral.I have donated thousands to charities over the years and have been part of a group that sends cigars to troops over seas because of tobacco issues in the Middle Eastern countries
Now I know what to spend my time reading tomorrow!
Keep at it, guys!
See you two keep making it about the larger population. I have no issues with the military or the guys that serve. I have a cousin in the Marines currently and graduated with a ton of guys that have military background. Mike is of poor stock. So if it comes time for the almighty to pull someone from the field of battle I'd prefer it be Mike over someone of high regard. how that has anything to do with defaming the military I have no idea. My thought is only with trading Mike for a better soldier if it would come to that.
You talk so much shit....You opened that pack because you were told to. Spin it anyway you want but until I called you out on these here forums you had that anemic pack locked up and out of site. I figure a few things in that pack had to be moved before it became visible. Its ok. We all still trust you
Get off these forums? You idiots created this thread last I checked and invited me in.
LOL that Mod is fusion btw.....You still shut up when he said so.
i hope your cousin dies
or something
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
You have got to be the biggest coward I've come in contact with yet.
For you to twist everything that has been said and considering how your dumbass started it, and turn it into the subject of the military and hoping I get killed, what a low life piece of shit you are. You'll clearly never be half of the man anyone in the service right now is/was. You're an armchair activist that thinks life revolves around the backpack you have in Team Fortress 2. You bash my service and my deployments overseas when you don't even have the balls to step outside your bedroom (don't trip on those Ramen noodles, your Mom will be pissed at the mess).
You're backed in a virtual corner and all your pathetic ass can do is flail your texts around making those most fallacious arguments ever, making sarcastic comments towards those that have died while serving. I've lost 4 friends since I've been in. You have no idea what sacrifice is. Keep hiding behind that monitor. You contribute nothing to society except reading material to laugh at here on SourceOP.
I laughed.Originally Posted by Irish
Irony. Irony. Irony.Originally Posted by Irish
SICK comeback. wowowowOriginally Posted by Irish
im way too good at this
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
You shut up when skyrider told you to in that discussion thread, you still mad? Also, who ever said you had to join in on this thread? No one ever invited you and you had the choice to stay out, guess you love getting your anus smashed.
Realize this, the army is made up of individuals, it is a cohesive group, you diss one, you diss them all.
@WombRaider, #ballin'