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Thread: Discussion about forum move

  1. #101
    kaneco's Avatar

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    The old forum platform was obsolete... Couldn't approve this move more..

    Now you just need a custom fitting theme and some mods that integrate steam rep and some backpack sites and it might just have what it takes to be the best tf2 trading site around.

  2. #102
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    @kaneco It already is the best TF2 trading site. Just look at the membership count/traffic as compared to any where else, but we are always working on making it better. So far, DF and Butane (edit: and sky) has done a great job. Steam icon link is up, SR link is in the works so be patient.

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteyM3 View Post
    @kaneco It already is the best TF2 trading site. Just look at the membership count/traffic as compared to any where else, but we are always working on making it better. So far, DF and Butane (edit: and sky) has done a great job. Steam icon link is up, SR link is in the works so be patient.
    I agree, these forums have always been the best as far as traffic and volume are concerned, but outdated when it comes to features.

    I'm more than glad to see the SourceOp forums being updated, and can only hope for added functionality.

    Once you add the integrated Steam Login, the steam web api gives you countless available features just by being able to know each users steamid.

    For example, view the image below. Having links like these incorporated when I was running forums made things much more effective for everyone involved.

    Perhaps you will be able to use a similar style and incorporate these features as well in the future.


  4. #104
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    Steam login is already up and running. Tf2items backpack and SteamRep is coming. We do not plan on any other features, especially not any backpack viewers from other sites. We like to keep everything in house and tied to SourceOp. The only reason we are adding an SR link is because both butane and I are admins there. Also, we have had a good working relationship with there personnel since the developmental stages of their site.

  5. #105
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    This forum is much better, the signature box isn't 216 characters or something absurdly small like that and it's much cleaner ^^

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteyM3 View Post
    Steam login is already up and running. Tf2items backpack and SteamRep is coming. We do not plan on any other features, especially not any backpack viewers from other sites. We like to keep everything in house and tied to SourceOp. The only reason we are adding an SR link is because both butane and I are admins there. Also, we have had a good working relationship with there personnel since the developmental stages of their site.
    I think what you meant was creating a link to your steam profile is now possible.

    Being able to log into SourceOp using the Steam Login is not, but DF did say it was planned for the future. That will be great, because at that point nobody can login to the forums without having that steam account's username and password.

    Also, I certainly can understand why you would want SteamRep links if you two are affiliated with them, as well as understanding the reasons behind not linking to other out-of-house backpack viewers etc.

    Looks like things are working out very nicely. Just trying to give as much feedback as possible...

    * One thing I have noticed is how often I keep clicking "reply" instead of "Reply with quote". If only my brain would slow down and click the correct button!! haha

  7. #107
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    Its already set up and working, we simply are going to wait until those other features are added before making it public.

  8. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by peteyM3 View Post
    @kaneco It already is the best TF2 trading site. Just look at the membership count/traffic as compared to any where else, but we are always working on making it better. So far, DF and Butane (edit: and sky) has done a great job. Steam icon link is up, SR link is in the works so be patient.

    Honestly, I could argue with that... Sure, it's the biggest site in terms of traffic but that's not everything. User interface and usability plays a big role, at least for me, and with the old forum platform, sites like outpost (which are perfect usability wise) outscored sourceop by a mile. The old forum platform was just plain horrible and outdated to use.

    This new update might step it up a notch but I still think a fitting theme and some tweaks are needed which I am sure you are probably working on!

    Keep up the good work!

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by kaneco View Post
    Honestly, I could argue with that... Sure, it's the biggest site in terms of traffic but that's not everything. User interface and usability plays a big role, at least for me, and with the old forum platform, sites like outpost (which are perfect usability wise) outscored sourceop by a mile. The old forum platform was just plain horrible and outdated to use.
    Opinions all over the place, you're also comparing two completely different websites, SOP heavily based on cash trades (like seriously, who looks into the item trading forum) whereas Outpost is more so based on item trading. SOP is also a forum, whereas outpost is not, thus the platforms are bound to be different. Seriously though, the theme is good enough for a forum and to be honest, I much preferred the older forums rather than these new ones, too complicated now.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by BLACKENED View Post
    I think what you meant was creating a link to your steam profile is now possible.

    Being able to log into SourceOp using the Steam Login is not, but DF did say it was planned for the future. That will be great, because at that point nobody can login to the forums without having that steam account's username and password.

    Also, I certainly can understand why you would want SteamRep links if you two are affiliated with them, as well as understanding the reasons behind not linking to other out-of-house backpack viewers etc.

    Looks like things are working out very nicely. Just trying to give as much feedback as possible...

    * One thing I have noticed is how often I keep clicking "reply" instead of "Reply with quote". If only my brain would slow down and click the correct button!! haha
    Hey Blackened, please go back to tf2-trader and work on your shark-infested site, your "positive feedback" is repetitive and it's tedious reading your cockriding comments to get on DF's good side
    (on behalf on ma br0s)

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by BLACKENED View Post
    I think what you meant was creating a link to your steam profile is now possible.
    Nope, was talking about actually logging in via steam log in. It's ready to go. Butane just likes to make an entry and will unveil it in some flashy snazzy style. There might be glitter. :O

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