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Thread: Aid for the color impaired. [Petition]

  1. #1
    BunBun's Avatar

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    Aid for the color impaired. [Petition]

    courtesy of HelenAngel

    This is a color based game as most of us know, red vs blue, simple as that.

    For some players colorblindness doesnt hurt how they play the game while some others have dramatic hindrances while trying to play.

    I go by Monochromatic Bunny for those who don't know me, the Monochromatic portion of my name is a reference to a genetic disorder that few have. It's called Monochromacy (or in my case Rod Monochromacy). I have no cones in my eyes basically limiting the way I see.

    I see in black and white

    In a comp setting, this blows. Not being able to use my custom skins makes this game very hard. The real reason i'm bringing this up is to atleast give a try at changing something for the few like myself. While I know my chances are for naught, no harm in trying.

    Let's hear it!

    I started out creating a small thread on the forums of UGC to try and get some assistance towards this issue in their league. It's grown dramatically and now i'm reaching out to everyone to help promote this petition.

    Please Sign This Petition - Link this thread - Share this Petition.
    Get the word out anyway possible.

    PS: Every shot you don't take is always going to miss, there's no harm in bringing this up

    PSS: Colorblind mode only adds a jarate icon over jarate'd players :O don't even TRY to bring that one up

    PSSS: If this seems like a cookie cutter forum post that's because what originally was a small one forum post has evolved dramatically, I apologize if this seems like a copy pasta but I will be around [ALL THE LINKS] answering questions.



    Please sign the petition
    Petition Link Here

    Please upvote this baby
    Reddit Post
    Cross Post on Reddit

    Other links:
    courtesy of SneakyPolarBear

    courtesy of Erroneous

    UGC Thread
    courtesy of Bunny

    TF2Newbs Community
    courtesy of Bunny

    courtesy of P U F F

    ESEA Forums
    courtesy of jaybenaduchi

    Skial Community Forums

    RailBait Community Forums

    Darkly Gaming Forums

    HellsGamers Community Forums

    TF2Jump Community Forums

    Retweet this!
    courtesy of duder |eXtv| #pX

    This post has hit a lot of places recently and the petition itself is catching some good speed. For the time being; this will be the last location I PERSONALLY Will place it. I am checking EVERY SINGLE LINK and responding to any questions or concerns! I do apologize if you've seen this in a few places

  2. #2
    BunBun's Avatar

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    Re: Aid for the color impaired. [Petition]

  3. #3
    WombRaider's Avatar

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    UGC is run by idiots and women

    sorry, im being redundant

    anyway, they are not competitive. also competition in tf2 is a pretty hilarious joke
    The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.

  4. #4
    BunBun's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider
    UGC is run by idiots and women

    sorry, im being redundant

    anyway, they are not competitive. also competition in tf2 is a pretty hilarious joke
    honestly, that's not the point of it at all. The point is to get colorblind options actually in the game rather than the option to turn on/off a jarate icon.

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    So what is your solution then mr monochrome?

    how is anyone supposed to make you see some colors?

    you want some skins that have big red R's and B's on the chests?

    uh oh R looks a lot like B lets start a new petition to make the teams easier to distinguish for people who cant read good
    The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.

  6. #6
    Colour's Avatar

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    sick burns

    I'll sign when the site fixes itself

  7. #7
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider
    So what is your solution then mr monochrome?

    how is anyone supposed to make you see some colors?

    you want some skins that have big red R's and B's on the chests?

    uh oh R looks a lot like B lets start a new petition to make the teams easier to distinguish for people who cant read good
    This. Red and blue are completely distinguishable on four out of the five types of colorblindness, and the fifth type is incredibly rare (about 1 in 50,000 people). If anything you could just get them to whitelist a set of black and white skins (which they have) if you actually are good enough to be important and it's still a problem.

    Then there's the issue that this issue is usually brought upon by age or injury, which raises that incredible rarity even further, so I would be statistically safe to say that nobody nobody else who plays TF2 would even have this and you're making a big deal out of nothing.

    I would honestly suggest just going to the people who run the tournament, having documentation for this disorder scanned in, and having them whitelist your custom skins.

    I also know a GPU tweak that can help you if you're on an nvidia card.

  8. #8
    HelenAngel's Avatar

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    Wow, is WombRaider always so rude? I'm honestly surprised and dismayed by this reaction on SourceOp. Disagree, fine, but there's no reason to be incredibly rude about it.

  9. #9
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    sorry i just can't be brought to give a shit about such an insignificant detail

    it's a shame that as a society we are so willing to help those that can't help themselves. there's no more natural selection within the human race anymore. we will never evolve to become better simply because the elite and the beautiful are forced to mingle with and support the fatass uggos and the middle class.

    basically all i'm saying is go fuck yourself
    The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.

  10. #10
    BunBun's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider
    So what is your solution then mr monochrome?

    how is anyone supposed to make you see some colors?

    you want some skins that have big red R's and B's on the chests?

    uh oh R looks a lot like B lets start a new petition to make the teams easier to distinguish for people who cant read good
    This. Red and blue are completely distinguishable on four out of the five types of colorblindness, and the fifth type is incredibly rare (about 1 in 50,000 people). If anything you could just get them to whitelist a set of black and white skins (which they have) if you actually are good enough to be important and it's still a problem.

    Then there's the issue that this issue is usually brought upon by age or injury, which raises that incredible rarity even further, so I would be statistically safe to say that nobody nobody else who plays TF2 would even have this and you're making a big deal out of nothing.

    I would honestly suggest just going to the people who run the tournament, having documentation for this disorder scanned in, and having them whitelist your custom skins.

    I also know a GPU tweak that can help you if you're on an nvidia card.
    As sad as this is; your not quite correct.

    Go through the petition and pick out responses; numerous people with all forms of colorblindness or sight problems have dramatic problems figuring stuff out at the same level of someone without problems. The only idea of the petition is to have Valve (who's been contacted already) to finish a setting of theirs that is currently incomplete.

    I've been playing since Beta, I have my own solution but it's been years. I would like Valve, the pioneer of options for the disabled (deaf and blind), to finish their game options.

    None the less I'm going to assume hate will follow on this thread and topic.

    Quote Originally Posted by WombRaider
    sorry i just can't be brought to give a shit about such an insignificant detail

    it's a shame that as a society we are so willing to help those that can't help themselves. there's no more natural selection within the human race anymore. we will never evolve to become better simply because the elite and the beautiful are forced to mingle with and support the fatass uggos and the middle class.

    basically all i'm saying is go fuck yourself

    Well that's quite lovely of you to say!

    Your input is noted. You should however realize that your assuming majority of your information about me. You don't actually know what I do right now or am doing.

    Thanks everyone who signed ^_^

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