Every single time. There's always one. Even when they all claim to know to press F4, they can't on their Macs or they have broken keys, or some other reason...
Every single time. There's always one. Even when they all claim to know to press F4, they can't on their Macs or they have broken keys, or some other reason...
You can press F4 on a mac...just go to system preferences -> Keyboard -> Click "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys"
And don't blame mac users for the fact you play with randoms. I really don't know how people do that, MvM is annoying as hell when you're losing with people you know are competent, I can't imagine doing that with randoms.
how to win MvM:
1 pyro
1 wrangler engineer
pyro uses that BS laser flamethrower to keep himself alive, airblast is useless. max resists and ammo
engineer: wrangler is OP in all settings, MvM is no different. set up a mile away. max turret firing speed and damage+ wrench firing speed for quick repairs and reloads
scout: picks up money. thats all scout does
heavy: brass beast, with one level of penetration, max ammo
medic: kritz. max ubercharge rate and length
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
I find Spy with Dead Ringer + Big Earner, with speed and regeneration upgrades (and sapper) better at getting money just because the bots don't attack him; unless if someone intentionally leads one away, I find that I can get all money that way.
But that's probably just a preference/playstyle and my bad luck with never seeing Scouts who aren't determined to be heroic combat scouts.
I've personally seen the best success in groups of friends when we run the following :
Demo(me) - upgrade sticky, crit canteen, win
Heavy - Brass Beast or Stock generally
Spy - Saps medics, stabs things, grabs cash
Scout - Grabs cash, upgrades mad milk and sandman first usually
Engineer - Sentry, wrangler, you know the drill
Soldier - stocket or beggars, buff banner, crit canteens, etc.
Our spy goes medic preround and gives the demo a kritz for a crit trap, then swaps to spy before we ready up. Sometimes he or the soldier will play full time kritz medic, whatever they feel like that day.
Maybe its because we play together all the time that this class makeup works, idk, but it does.
If you ever bothered to play with the SOP regulars you'd realize you're wrong.Originally Posted by WombRaider
i played with people who used to be sourceop regulars
does that count?
The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.
I'm on my 18th tour and for my team it's been a mix of:
Demo or two (that's all I play on it. Upgrade stickies. Makes Tanks a joke and once Medics drop down, liquefied.)
Scout (Bonk/Milk and Fan)
Heavy or two (Natascha is awesome. Great for the Super Scouts)
Engie or two (duh. Wrangler.)
Solly sometimes (Bison is OP once you up that baby, but Buffs are nice)
Pyro sometimes (airblast is such a big help if you have a skilled pyro)
Always rock the shit with SOP vets. Played the most with:
Worst Player Ever
Windshield Wiper
And as for the F4 shit, that is annoying. I did all the wait time in queue, so I'd rather not prolong the wait to get 2 razorbacks b/c someone can't press F4.