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Thread: Steam Big Picture

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    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Steam Big Picture

    So they're now making a big deal out of discovering that pc's have controller input and hdmi.

    I'm just amazed at the following so far:
    - Pretending that plugging a controller into a computer is new
    - Pretending that plugging a computer into a TV is new
    - Recommending micro-itx or mini-atx machines for gaming, especially a 'low noise' one (because if you're buying a dedicated gaming machine you want passive cooling, amirite?!)
    - Saying that integrated graphics won't work for laptops even though the integrated graphics on the sandy bridge (i5 2500k and up) chipset family and up will run about any game on steam.
    - Failing to mention that most older (and possibly low end modern) GPU's with HDMI output don't have audio output, and the on-board HDMI on motherboards (which usually does support audio output) is powered by the same integrated graphics that they said didn't work on laptops.
    - They say you can use a dedicated mac even though it doesn't support OSX yet.

  2. #2
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    Its all a ploy to make a set top box.

  3. #3
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    I'm standing in line at BestBuy now. I'm gonna be the first to own a ValveBox!!

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    Re: Steam Big Picture

    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    - They say you can use a dedicated mac even though it doesn't support OSX yet.
    Bootcamp or VM.
    But honestly its a good idea to finally have an interface meant for organized/clear couch PC gaming without the need for a stupid mouse/keyboard, despite your negative-nancy reaction. If nothing else I hope it leads to wide-scale adoption of the on-screen keyboard interface, since Vita homebrew isn't the best for it to gain eyes.

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    Not really a negative reaction, I think that the entire system is great and will be a huge step in the right direction for the video game industry if it's widely adopted.

    With the line being blurred that much further between PC and Console we might actually start to see some AAA games developed natively for the PC and actually utilize the hardware we have properly, instead of porting everything and expecting us to buy a GPU that's roughly 35 times the power of the one used in the original console port with no notable gain from having that much power.

    I just don't think this big production about all of it was really needed for how little is ACTUALLY being accomplished here, as I've used my TV's as a PC monitor with controller navigation for years and haven't really had much of a problem with it.

    Then again they never actually claimed to be god's gift to innovation, or tried to lie to their fanbase about inventing every component they've ever used, so they're still above apple on the unneeded hype echelons.

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    Haha, I was thinking the same thing. When I saw the notices and stuff, the way they were telling all of's like they were genuinely pumped up telling us about something...old.

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    but siri
    The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the State.