Whoever gives up their ability to double-jump deserves something as efficient.
You'll see how easy taking down scouts with no double is.
Whoever gives up their ability to double-jump deserves something as efficient.
You'll see how easy taking down scouts with no double is.
To me the scout is way to weak to even use unless you know how to maneuver him around the turrets so i say leave then be with their dumb fuckin update.
roflOriginally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
That's where you should have stopped :POriginally Posted by Hell-met
I love the scout because he's fun to play, but you're not going (and I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying this) to own so bad every map that you'll gain tons of points.
I'm not hoping for better survivability or just something that makes the class more fun.
I'm looking forward to just annoying people with my baseball stun gun.
CEVO and my MVP pictures disagreeOriginally Posted by Versed
I'm not saying it's NOT possible to own with a scout. I've had a few maps where I'm one of the top scorers as a scout.
I'm saying it's not consistent like the other assault classes. You'll almost never get ubered unless someone is goofing off or a friend wants to do it. Getting a kritz/uber really helps increase your score.
Again, don't get me wrong scout is probably my most favorite class. I'd have hundreds of hours as a scout but with a crappy computer it's really hard to move at 2x speed.
Scouts not an easy class to play but talented scouts will beast any class in a 1v1 fight and be a major damage dealer on any team. Sentry guns arent a problem unless you just sprint around corners. Most people think scouts are weak because when people play them they run in straight lines or run around batting people like morons. The whole idea is not to get hit.To me the scout is way to weak to even use unless you know how to maneuver him around the turrets so i say leave then be with their dumb fuckin update
See above.I love the scout because he's fun to play, but you're not going (and I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying this) to own so bad every map that you'll gain tons of points.
I mean the real appeal of the class is being a speedy little bastard, running around, flanking, dodging, shooting medics in the back, etc. I'm not sure that you'll like the scout much more with anything they could come up with if you don't already like him. I mean the bat is cool and all but for most people it'll have about the same appeal as the flare gun; a novelty item that's fun every now and then. Personally I'm just looking forward to homerunning snipers on 2fort.
I'm not hoping for better survivability or just something that makes the class more fun.
yeah i can't picture the lack of double jumping be worth having for anything more than pubbing it up. I assume it will be far from game breaking, but valve words everything like its the greatest thing to have ever been introduced, so im not that concerned with that, plus giving up the melee weapon is no good either.
cp_junction? really? i mean its ok, but its far from the best non-valve map or really even the best a/d gravelpit-like map. Arena_Watchtower is pretty good though, can't wait for that.
I agree that Junction isn't the best choice, but it's alright. C can be tough to capture if it's half decently defended.
I'm just glad they are bringing in another map and that it's not a ctf map or another linear 5 point CP map. I was sort of hoping for another epic PL map though.
These are the community maps.Originally Posted by Biggs
You think valve isn't going to reveal their own?