8/8 notes, still died, come at me br0s
eh only moderately scary if played with headphones
no storyline = no suspense
it doesnt even tell you what the notes are or what theyre for so it seems pointless, it doesnt even tell you how to play or why your in the woods
rated 2/10 for the lanky pedo and the 'Slender' font
The game is actually that you're a news reporter who needs to investigate that forest where disappearances have occurred, you need to look for the 8 notes left by victims of Slender Man. As for the controls, it's there before you load up the game. Lastly, I bet you were scared shitless ^_^ (presuming you didn't get close to 3 notes?)Originally Posted by vipersnake52
Saw Youtube videos of it and decided "nope.avi".
I'm not great with sneak up in the dark jumpy things.
Hell, these fuckers still have me checking the corners in my own house.
i got my first ote when the screen went fuzzy and he came, then my torch ran outta battery, then i won.Originally Posted by beefntators
3 different games
Your flashlight never runs out of batteries xDOriginally Posted by vipersnake52
dude have you ever even played slender?Originally Posted by beefntators (skip to 10:00 mins)
Hmmm, my flashlight never died on me, perhaps because I turned it off occasionallyOriginally Posted by vipersnake52
I don't get it why is Slenderman so scary? He's just a Manikin in a suit who just pops up randomly out of nowhere? I find that hardly scary.
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also, this is copied from the game files readme:Originally Posted by beefntators
* Do not look at the enemy for too long, or you will lose. The further you are, the safer it is to look.
* Your flashlight has a limited battery; it will not drain when turned off.
* Jogging/sprinting causes your stamina to drop; it recovers when walking, and twice as fast when standing.
* Sprinting causes your maximum stamina to drop slightly; jogging does not."