Feb 05, 2009, 02:54 AM
map rotation + rant
I never get why people complain about skipping this map or that. The only servers I play on are the no mods/rotation maps because I like the variety.
Granted, sometimes I'm not in the mood for a map, but I always vote 'no' because I think playing the different styles can make me a more rounded player and forces me to try other classes and become proficient as a team player.
And to everyone that says, "If you want to play 2fort, there's a 24/7 server,"...sod off. If you're going to use that logic, then go play the cp/pl rotation so you don't have to worry about ctf. And honestly, I don't like the pacing and culture of any of the 24/7 servers. I play on the valve map servers because I like the other players there (mostly), and they tend to be good sports (mostly). It's a different breed that likes barebones/vanilla play, and they are generally more rounded/team players (mostly).
I'm not opposed to skipping maps, but people really should just relax and not ruin maps for those that really want to play...
...THAT being said, sometimes completely goofing off is appropriate and actually a better time than playing for the objectives.
And for the love of Pete, if two folks are going head-to-head in melee, let them go. Stop taking easy kills, stop catching them on fire. If a scout wants to take on a heavy, let them do it. There's nothing worse than just wanting to have a good fight only to be shot by some asshole wanting another stat, or challenging another player to melee only to be shot in the face--it can be funny, but mostly it's annoying as hell...
Look, just stop dogging people for liking maps. The rotation servers are there for people who like variety, let them have it.
...and I hate it when I'm having a good night as a medic, because it means I have to be medic most of the night
rant = done