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True... And to each his own.
But you can't deny that ctf_well and tc_hydro are the least popular/played default maps. (aside from arena maps)

And I think the only reason 2fort is up near the top is because there are quite a few 24/7 2fort servers. 2fort seemed to have it's own crowd when I had it in the rotation on our clan's pub server. When we went from other default maps to 2fort half of the server would empty out and slowly fill back up. And then when it was time to switch back to another default map most of the people that joined during 2fort would drop. And 2fort seemed to be the only map that had that particular effect on our traffic, so I finally removed it from the rotation.
I don't think that DF should remove these maps because I understand that not everyone feels the same way about said maps. And I think the veto was the best possible solution to the dilemma because the map is only skipped when the majority of the server feels that it should be skipped. If a few people don't vote, it fails and goes to the next map anyway. Seems fair to me.