What is Highlander?
Highlander is a form of TF2 play that consists of 9v9 1 of each class.
Why is it called Highlander?
because "there can be only one" of each class
Why do we care?
Highlander completely changes the style of play involved, it makes you focus more on individual targets as opposed to just spamming everywhere hoping to get something. I and many others feel this form of play isn't just a break from the normal TF2 style that everyone else plays, but is also more fun. The level of skill of each player is up considerably over what you would normally play. Instead of stacking a team with 5-8 good players and rolling a team that has 1-2 good players you would be facing equal teams of 9 good players at their respected class. It also focuses heavily on team movement and communication, if you fail to communicate chances are you will be crushed.
How are teams equal?
Teams are equalized with a selection method that is done by selecting 2 captains. There is then a coin toss to decide which captain gets their pick between calling captain class (the class that both captains will be playing) or picking the first player. After the captain class is picked the captain with the first pick then selects 1 player he wants on his team. That player then joins his team and selects any class he wants to play that isn't the captain class. From there captains alternate first picks on a per class basis. Players can ask to be picked for whatever class they want by putting a period (.) in the text box when the class they want to play is being picked. The captains then chose between the players who want to play that class. This creates mostly equal teams...its uncommon for one team to roll another using this method unless the captains are intentionally screwing it up, or don't know the players well enough.
Who is invited?
Basically any solid/cool player you want to invite. Its not limited to just SourceOP players we're more focused on creating a fun and challenging form of higher play than is available on your average server.
When are these held?
They used to be done randomly, but last night we decided that instead of spamming announcements we would schedule definitive times so that people would know just to show up as opposed to just be caught on.
We will run one every Saturday and Wednesday Night 9PM Central
But sir you haven't provided us with enough information!
The server infomation is
Name: Quality Socksmen
PW: oatmeal
What if I have more questions?
Go ahead and post them here or contact [QS] Bill Steed via steam chat or email trover4@gmail.com