Just brilliant!
I see people are still taking that video and editing it around a different theme. I liked the version where Hitler got his XBOX 360 banned.
Then again, being able to speak some German kind of ruins the whole video.
i seem to remember this being edited to suit the occasion when nashville had such awful gas shortages over the summer....i still giggled a bit.
This movie scene has been edited for everything
yup, I've seen at least 10 versions of it but I'm pretty sure there are many, many more.
And yes, I do believe understanding German would kind of ruin it- unless you just turned the sound off and had never seen Downfall.
I finally watched Downfall (in it's entirety) over the holidays. I've lost count of the number of spoofs I've seen before it.
The Xbox live account banning was the first wasn't it?
That's pretty funneh though.
yea saw this on digg today, it was hilarious.
Good stuff.
Bitch i fucking Pwn Get me episode 3
Everyone knows the cake is a fucking lie.
Thats hilarous