hello first sorry for my english ...
i have a debian linux root server is a managed server from provider
how can i install the sourceop and antidos fix
can any one help me
hello first sorry for my english ...
i have a debian linux root server is a managed server from provider
how can i install the sourceop and antidos fix
can any one help me
What game are you trying to install SourceOP for? In the meantime, please refer to the following page.
To install SourceOP:
Do install the anti-DoS plugin, just extract it to your addons folder like the README file says.
i install soruceop its ok
anti dos fix... dont work wenn i give command in console
daf_status pr daf_enable .. he say me unkow command
All you have to do is download the appropriate version and extract it to your addons folder. If it's not working, you either picked the wrong version or the wrong folder.
i extrack this version
DoS Attack Fixer for CSS v2
to the cstrike/addons
is this wrong file ? :S
Nope. That should do it. It could be that it doesn't work on debian.