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Yeah it was the 21st.
So I got my card in the mail, installed it, got it loaded up:
CSS was maxed out on my 8600GT and pushing 60FPS, I don't care what it is getting now because it is probably something stupid.
TF2 I maxed out (lawl 16xQSS with Vsync), bounced around underwater with two sentries and 4 other people in a firefight and my FPS didn't drop below 50.
Dystopia looks great at full settings, high FPS (jumping around 200's)
WoW is fucking maxed, I stacked the 24xMS with the 16XQSS that my video card can force and I was still getting 120FPS
I am going to re-install Fallout 3, CoD4 and this Far Cry 2 to see of those get any better in eye-candy-mode and HIGH-FPS
I am going to get some good benchmarks with this mobo before I switch to see if there is really a difference between PCIe2.0 and 1.1