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Thread: Then who was phone?

  1. #1
    avy's Avatar

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    Then who was phone?

    I'm due to renew my cell phone contract and that means reduced pricing on spiffy new phones. So, my task to you is to help me figure out which of the following five phones I should get.

    Keep in mind the following. I'm young so appearance and "cool factor" still... uh... factor. I'm an upper management type where I work so I need functionality. Also, pics, vids, messaging, music capability and nifty Apps are essential. My current phone is the LG Scoop.

    Blackberry Pearl 8130
    Samsung Delve
    HTC Touch Pro
    Moto Q 9c
    Blackberry Curve 8330

    I am on the Alltel network, it has the best service in my area (coverage and pricewise) but unfortuantly they have a lack if phone choices. I'm leaning towards the Delve.

    BTW, no netbook suggestions please. I'm working on building my own from spare parts lying around.

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    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Re: Then who was phone?

    Quote Originally Posted by avy
    Keep in mind the following. I'm young so appearance and "cool factor" still... uh... factor.
    Seriously, coming from 4chan I should have stopped reading right there.

    As for functionality, netbooks are the way to go, they have all of your nifty apps and coolness right there.

    PS. Most people don't give jack shit about your phone, when I still attended school regularly I would date all the time, hang out with all of the preppy "cool kids" and had my 12$ Motorola go-phone.

    Theo only people who care about what cell phones people have are cell phone salesman, gold digging whores and idiots. Oh yeah, wiggers too, but they were the kids I beat the shit out of... (inb4backwards, I had the juniors and seniors organized to pick on the wiggers/gangsta kids instead of the nerds...)

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    avy's Avatar

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    That was just my usual inane attempt at humor. I really am looking for honest opinions on reliability from anyone that may have/had one of these phones.

    Function > Form

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    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    I have heard bad things about Blackberry Pearls

    on that note, the Blackberry Curve is the best one on your list.

    If you want to use your phone for anything productive, touch phones are stupid.

  5. #5
    Biggs's Avatar

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    I haven't been with alltel since 2002 so I have no idea about any of those phones. But the Samsung looks pretty nice. I've had a Samsung phone and digital camera for a while and I have no complaints.

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