I'm due to renew my cell phone contract and that means reduced pricing on spiffy new phones. So, my task to you is to help me figure out which of the following five phones I should get.

Keep in mind the following. I'm young so appearance and "cool factor" still... uh... factor. I'm an upper management type where I work so I need functionality. Also, pics, vids, messaging, music capability and nifty Apps are essential. My current phone is the LG Scoop.

Blackberry Pearl 8130
Samsung Delve
HTC Touch Pro
Moto Q 9c
Blackberry Curve 8330

I am on the Alltel network, it has the best service in my area (coverage and pricewise) but unfortuantly they have a lack if phone choices. I'm leaning towards the Delve.

BTW, no netbook suggestions please. I'm working on building my own from spare parts lying around.