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Originally Posted by
Im not paranoid, I just don't like the government looking into my windows of my house with cameras. (which they do and you clearly support it).
No they do not that would be an invasion of privacy.

Originally Posted by
Got any proof for your facts there son? Cus I got proof for my side of the argument, unlike you.
You have yet to provide anything that I would consider factual. Other than that painfully outdated article.

Originally Posted by
Its not just one man arrested you fool, theres hundreds, for tiny knifes, even replica guns were taken from a collector because "They could have posed a threat" Note those were solid rubber pieces shaped too look like guns.
And? That is an incredibly small number. You seem to be easily impressed as long as it wavers to your side Alice.

Originally Posted by
Im not saying for things to be perfect, im saying for things to not repress the people and have the microscope above them where they are being hacked by the police for no reason and their phones tapped into.
Okay? Nobody is being repressed by camera's here. The uk riots were because of several things involving their police abusing their power. The uk isn't as strict as it is because of the cameras it is because of their police force. Even if any of this were true neither of us live in london and thus cannot confirm it until there is factual evidence supporting it. The riots were because of a civil unrest towards the police not because someone installed cameras to catch petty theft.

Originally Posted by
Im not paranoid, this is in the laws.
Again, just using made up things to try to insult me.
You seem to think people would put cameras watching you inside your home, sounds pretty paranoid to me.

Originally Posted by
The only reason you go on is to get the last say. And its pretty pathetic since you already have been shown wrong on the very little points you earlier had made. And you even admitted to not trying to get me to see it your way so whats the point for you to go on even after we could have dropped this whole damn thing?
This is funny to me because your behavior dictates the same. The difference is you want to go out and dig up "facts". And I don't want to bother with it because you never dig up anything of worth that would dictate me trying to pose any argument. If I really wanted I could probably go find some bullshit chart that supported my stance regarding crime decrease.
I was a commando you know.