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Thread: Yesterday I was shooting real life guns

  1. #111
    Snarf's Avatar

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    That's because he has cameraphobia. And clearly has no clue why people get arrested for having knives.(They are illegal)
    But yeah clearly because the UK has the strictest laws regarding weapons and because one innocent man was arrested the whole system is bad and we need to get rid of it.
    Also he doesn't know what a police state is either.
    Again, living in wonderland where innocent people are never arrested and mistakes never happen.
    The fact that you think one innocent person being arrested means the whole system is corrupt proves your idiocy. No system will ever be perfect enough to protect everyone. This is not wonderland, Alice.
    Also let's ignore the good these cameras have likely done speeding up investigations, stopping crime and lowering crime rates solely by existing.
    I was a commando you know.

  2. #112
    Noremac's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snarf
    That's because he has cameraphobia. And clearly has no clue why people get arrested for having knives.(They are illegal)
    But yeah clearly because the UK has the strictest laws regarding weapons and because one innocent man was arrested the whole system is bad and we need to get rid of it.
    Also he doesn't know what a police state is either.
    Again, living in wonderland where innocent people are never arrested and mistakes never happen.
    The fact that you think one innocent person being arrested means the whole system is corrupt proves your idiocy. No system will ever be perfect enough to protect everyone. This is not wonderland, Alice.
    Here we go again...

    Im not paranoid, I just don't like the government looking into my windows of my house with cameras. (which they do and you clearly support it).

    I see you support banning knife ownership and CHL.

    Got any proof for your facts there son? Cus I got proof for my side of the argument, unlike you.

    Its not just one man arrested you fool, theres hundreds, for tiny knifes, even replica guns were taken from a collector because "They could have posed a threat" Note those were solid rubber pieces shaped too look like guns.

    I don't live in a wonderland, I live in a free land, unlike those poor folks in Britain, and I see you want more power to the government and more police around looking through your stuff.

    Im not saying for things to be perfect, im saying for things to not repress the people and have the microscope above them where they are being hacked by the police for no reason and their phones tapped into.

    Im not paranoid, this is in the laws.

    Again, just using made up things to try to insult me.

    The only reason you go on is to get the last say. And its pretty pathetic since you already have been shown wrong on the very little points you earlier had made. And you even admitted to not trying to get me to see it your way so whats the point for you to go on even after we could have dropped this whole damn thing?

    If anybody lives in a fantasy land its you since according to you a shotgun wont hold back a group of people from entering my place when its pointed at them.

    They may think im bluffing, but once the warning shot is shot above their head or under their feet then they will back the fuck off, whoever doesn't will get shot. Castle laws in USA support me.

    People are being jailed AND SUED for shooting burglers stealing FROM THEIR HOME in Britain.

    Why the hell do you support things like that?

    By the looks of it you are a statist.

  3. #113
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    It's not paranoia it's narcissism.

    What makes you think you're important enough for the government to install cameras in your personal property?

    You've also made the fallacy that by installing cameras in public property it somehow gives the big evil government more power.

    Quote Originally Posted by nmormac
    Im not paranoid, this is in the laws.


    A mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, and/or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system.

    Quote Originally Posted by delusions of persecution
    Quote Originally Posted by nmormac
    I posted earlier that guy got a ticket for having a multitool with a knife in his car…
    Quote Originally Posted by nmormac
    …arresting me for having a pocketknife…
    Quote Originally Posted by nmormac
    People are being jailed AND SUED for shooting burglers stealing FROM THEIR HOME in Britain.
    Quote Originally Posted by nmormac
    they are being hacked by the police for no reason and their phones tapped into.

    Quote Originally Posted by exaggerated self-importance
    Quote Originally Posted by nmormac
    I don't like cameras looking at me wherever I go…
    Quote Originally Posted by nmormac
    I don't like the police looking at me breathing down me neck…
    Quote Originally Posted by nmormac
    …you don't want me to enjoy governments looking and peeking into your windows…

    Quote Originally Posted by typically worked into an organized system
    Quote Originally Posted by nmormac
    Enjoy your police state!
    Quote Originally Posted by nmormac
    Just because your country is a police state doesn't mean you have to support it.
    Quote Originally Posted by nmormac
    I just don't like the government looking into my windows of my house with cameras.

    Sounds like textbook paranoia to me.

    I got proof for my side of the argument, unlike you.
    The only thing you've posted are outliers. In case you don't know what that means "An outlying observation, or outlier, is one that appears to deviate markedly from other members of the sample in which it occurs."

    This is relevant because you've only posted isolated incidents that deviate greatly from a normal situation, and given the THOUSANDS of instances where things have gone right, your ten or eleven instances are statistically irrelevant in the greater picture.

    This, in logic, is called a biased samble. Only taking the incidents that support your case and ignoring all of the others that don't.

  4. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noremac
    Im not paranoid, I just don't like the government looking into my windows of my house with cameras. (which they do and you clearly support it).
    No they do not that would be an invasion of privacy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Noremac
    Got any proof for your facts there son? Cus I got proof for my side of the argument, unlike you.
    You have yet to provide anything that I would consider factual. Other than that painfully outdated article.
    Quote Originally Posted by Noremac
    Its not just one man arrested you fool, theres hundreds, for tiny knifes, even replica guns were taken from a collector because "They could have posed a threat" Note those were solid rubber pieces shaped too look like guns.
    And? That is an incredibly small number. You seem to be easily impressed as long as it wavers to your side Alice.
    Quote Originally Posted by Noremac
    Im not saying for things to be perfect, im saying for things to not repress the people and have the microscope above them where they are being hacked by the police for no reason and their phones tapped into.
    Okay? Nobody is being repressed by camera's here. The uk riots were because of several things involving their police abusing their power. The uk isn't as strict as it is because of the cameras it is because of their police force. Even if any of this were true neither of us live in london and thus cannot confirm it until there is factual evidence supporting it. The riots were because of a civil unrest towards the police not because someone installed cameras to catch petty theft.
    Quote Originally Posted by Noremac
    Im not paranoid, this is in the laws.
    Again, just using made up things to try to insult me.
    You seem to think people would put cameras watching you inside your home, sounds pretty paranoid to me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Noremac
    The only reason you go on is to get the last say. And its pretty pathetic since you already have been shown wrong on the very little points you earlier had made. And you even admitted to not trying to get me to see it your way so whats the point for you to go on even after we could have dropped this whole damn thing?
    This is funny to me because your behavior dictates the same. The difference is you want to go out and dig up "facts". And I don't want to bother with it because you never dig up anything of worth that would dictate me trying to pose any argument. If I really wanted I could probably go find some bullshit chart that supported my stance regarding crime decrease.
    I was a commando you know.

  5. #115
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    Theres a few links showing that in Britain police are tapping into computers.

    Alpha, I like how you call me narcissistic, then call me textbook paranoid, make up your mind.

    Im not the only one in the world that doesn't like being spied on, I see you both do then. I don't see myself as too important to be watched, I see myself as another person.

    Ever hear the story of the toad in the bowl? Well the people are the toad and the country is the bowl. The water just keeps getting heated up (stricter laws) very very slowly and people don't do anything about it untill they can't do anything about it.

    cameras are being pointed inside your homes if you live in britain, they're also being placed in them.

    This isn't paranoia, its facts. And I have nothing to be scared of since I live in USA, so none of that effects me. Neither does it effect you.

    I gave my point and proof, you just continue to insult. So you can just "win" in your mind. Womb Raider hit the nail on the head.

    The strawman approach isn't working. Even your first post on the thread was an insult. Is it just in your nature?

    I like how you dodged my point about people being jailed and sued by burglers in Britain.

  6. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noremac
    Alpha, I like how you call me narcissistic, then call me textbook paranoid, make up your mind.
    You can easily be both
    Quote Originally Posted by Noremac
    Im not the only one in the world that doesn't like being spied on, I see you both do then. I don't see myself as too important to be watched, I see myself as another person.
    Herp derp u liek being spide on cuz you think cameraz gud!
    Quote Originally Posted by Noremac
    cameras are being pointed inside your homes if you live in britain, they're also being placed in them.
    Are you really this stupid? No really, are you? This would NEVER happen in the usa because it would be unconstitutional.
    Quote Originally Posted by Noremac
    I gave my point and proof, you just continue to insult. So you can just "win" in your mind. Womb Raider hit the nail on the head.

    The strawman approach isn't working. Even your first post on the thread was an insult. Is it just in your nature?
    You haven't been here long have you? Wombraider flings shit whenever he can. Your hypocrisy is neverending, Alice.
    I was a commando you know.

  7. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noremac
    Alpha, I like how you call me narcissistic, then call me textbook paranoid, make up your mind.
    I see you've tried to dismiss my entire post by finding one thing wrong with it and mocking it.

    This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because mocking a claim does not show that it is false. In this specific case it's a fallacy because psychologically these things commonly occur in tangent, and you're showing symptoms of both.

    You've also failed to prove that cameras and computer taps are actually bad but I'll give you props on repeating the same thing over and over and over again, even though we already knew that it was happening.

    Unfortunately I have to inform you that the presence of cameras doesn't prove anything in this context and is beside the point on weather or not they're actually hurting anything for anybody other than the paranoid.

    Can you please start trying to argue within the means of acceptable logic?

  8. #118
    TheLichKing's Avatar

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    In all honesty, Snarf your being a dumbass...I mean really how big of a sheep do you need to be to go with having cameras everywhere watching your every move. Noremac makes some good points and has some evidence to back it up. You need to sit and think for a minute about what your arguing for and what your arguing against.

  9. #119
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    Im not the only one in the world that doesn't like being spied on, I see you both do then.
    Circumstantial ad Hominem through hasty generalization

    There are obviously more options than "YOU HATE CAMERAS AND FEAR THEM OR YOU LOVE BEING SPIED ON"

    A Circumstantial ad Hominem is a fallacy because a person's interests and circumstances have no bearing on the truth or falsity of the claim being made. While a person's interests will provide them with motives to support certain claims, the claims stand or fall on their own.

    Ever hear the story of the toad in the bowl? Well the people are the toad and the country is the bowl. The water just keeps getting heated up (stricter laws) very very slowly and people don't do anything about it untill they can't do anything about it.
    Slippery Slope fallacy.

    This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because there is no reason to believe that one event must inevitably follow from another without an argument for such a claim. This is especially clear in cases in which there is a significant number of steps or gradations between one event and another.

    cameras are being pointed inside your homes if you live in britain, they're also being placed in them.
    Appeal to fear

    This sort of "reasoning" is very common in politics and it serves as the basis for a large portion of modern advertising. Most political speeches are aimed at generating feelings in people so that these feelings will get them to vote or act a certain way. in the case of advertising, the commercials are aimed at evoking emotions that will influence people to buy certain products. In most cases, such speeches and commercials are notoriously free of real evidence. (and by evidence I'm still waiting for you to prove that being spied on is actually harmful)

    I gave my point and proof,
    I have been patient and waited for a reasonable argument from you for this entire thread that is actually backed by current research and statistics. (15 year old+ studies by research groups nobody has ever heard of doesn't cut it here)

  10. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheLichKing
    In all honesty, Snarf your being a dumbass...I mean really how big of a sheep do you need to be to go with having cameras everywhere watching your every move. Noremac makes some good points and has some evidence to back it up. You need to sit and think for a minute about what your arguing for and what your arguing against.
    Am I supposed to take advice from someone who does not know the difference between your and you're?
    I was a commando you know.

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