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Thread: Zeit, please read

  1. #41
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    What vengeance? I haven't done anything, kid.

    Unless I am somehow hurting somebody by preventing them from buying a "phone" (quoted for phony"), I am not reeking "vengeance" out on any "crowd".

    And I am not suggesting putting the SUPER AWESOME DOUBLE-WIRELESS ROUTER in a Faraday cage like the Iphone (METAL BACKING ON A WIRELESS DEVICE, BRILLIANT. And yes, that is where the bad reception comes from, my freind pried the back off of his Iphone to replace some stupid broken shit and it got the same reception as my phone before reassembling it)

    Plus, I am not just getting on Iphone's case, I would raise just as much of an objection if they happened to be buying a phone from LG, or a computer from E-Machines.

  2. #42
    Redneck's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by OmegaZero_Alpha
    What vengeance? I haven't done anything, kid.
    Hehe, I'm not your kid, kid.

    Unless I am somehow hurting somebody by preventing them from buying a "phone" (quoted for phony"), I am not reeking "vengeance" out on any "crowd".
    It's not that you're hurting anyone, obviously, it's just...kinda weird that you're so obsessively hateful toward the iPod/iPhone; this is like staring into the void to see how it stares back, I guess.

    Plus, I am not just getting on Iphone's case, I would raise just as much of an objection if they happened to be buying a phone from LG, or a computer from E-Machines.
    I think we've found some common ground.

  3. #43
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    I am sorry if I came off as obsessive, I am really not, I just don't like those things. Yes they do piss me off, the same way that the 360's piss me off. They aren't nearly as their competition and yet they are dominating the market, which gives them all of the developers, which gives them domination of the marker and then technology ceases to progress because everybody is content in staying where it is.

    I really don't try to look obsessive, but it is hard to find a balance between just saying "LOL IPHONE SUX" and taking too much time proving my point.

    Apple TRIES really hard to do the same thing with their computers, which luckily won't work because they are half-branded 3-gen old PC parts with proprietary drivers for twice the price of the current generation.

    Quote Originally Posted by Redneck
    I think we've found some common ground.
    See, I can get along with anybody if we don't become enemies upon first impression. I even get along with Duplex with some extent.

  4. #44
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    I never comment my opinions on these types of threads because I just don't have the personal experience to really say. I have a cell phone, have for years (since the late 90s) but I just have a basic camera phone (and don't even need the camera).

    Not that I'm against these gadgets and all this advancing technology but I just don't have a need for it. I work at home and I make it a point to keep my business in my office. If I'm going for a walk or to buy groceries or something, I don't need people interfering with my inner peace by texting, calling, emailing, etc. on my phone. (Unless Versed calls to tell me to get TP or beer or something.)

    Don't get me wrong; I think it's all really cool and if someone gave me one as a present or something, I would love it. But when I leave my office, it would most likely be on silent in my bag somewhere. lol

    My job revolves around technology and I spend 15-18+ hours a day "signed on". When I leave my computer, I don't need to take that crap with me.

    I do like keeping up with all the new stuff they come out with though but I couldn't tell you which is better than the other regarding features, benefits, etc.

  5. #45
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    Its okay, IP, Cell phones are cell phones.

    They make poor cameras.
    They make poor email inboxes
    They make poor IM clients

  6. #46
    avy's Avatar

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    How did my iPod tech support thread and my phone review/critique thread get crossed over?

  7. #47
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    Because you put me too close to your apple thread.

    Try macrumors next time.

  8. #48
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    I do agree that information overload will quickly burn a brother (or sister) out, but I need my phone to perform well at Internet browsing, email/text, and scheduling. Actually I'm on Sprint's network and can't get an iPhone anyway, so I'm kind of waiting to see when the Palm Pre is coming, since Sprint hasn't made any firm Android-based phone announcements. Windows Mobile is too buggy, do not want.

  9. #49
    insomniaprincess's Avatar

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    Speaking of that, I read this just a bit ago:

    Will Apple Sue Over the Pre?

    I also have Sprint. We don't really have so many options, do we?

  10. #50
    jwstohr's Avatar

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    Quote Originally Posted by insomniaprincess
    Speaking of that, I read this just a bit ago:

    Will Apple Sue Over the Pre?

    I also have Sprint. We don't really have so many options, do we?
    Does sprint give discounts to customers renewing contracts? My contract expires in march.

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