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Thread: Zeit, please read

  1. #11
    chernobyl_blessing's Avatar

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    Re: Zeit, please read

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeitgeist

    As Biggs said, it sounds like your battery has finally died. It has either been charged too many times (somewhere around 500 times or so they will start to peter out and few make it past 1000 charges) or the battery has sustained massive temperature swings, whatever the reason, you'll need a new battery.

    You can do the Apple Authorized way (which is to pay 6.95$ s/h and 59$ parts and labor) The advantages of course are that apple is liable for any damage during the installation of the replacement battery, and the product receives a temporary warranty against battery defects after you receive it. The disadvantage is pretty obvious - that's hella expensive. Plus you are without your unit for a week to a week and a half for shipping and the actual labor on the unit. That is the sheet explaining battery pricing

    The other option to get the battery replaced - and the one I personally recommend - is as Biggs suggested, that is, purchase a kit The vast majority of kits will include batteries and all the tools you need, although you may have to do some soldering with this model.

    Instructions can be found here: (includes step by step pictures, please for the love of god use a grounding mat or bracelet or you will end up needing to replace the logic board, its super sensitive )

    make sure the battery is 400 mAh, 3.07v lithium based. You can either purchase it from ebay or another auction site or through craiglist (cheapest) or through a retailer who normally installs the products for a labor fee (just ask them to send you the battery rather then you sending the ipod and getting the battery installed, will do this for you, in fact if you decide to go with them use code "freeship" to remove any shipping charges) Getting it from one of these guys is the method I personally prefer, since you are dealing with a legitimate business and not some possible douche bag.

    Let's regroup. You can:
    Send it in to an Apple Repair Depot for ~$70
    Purchase a Battery from an auction site and install yourself for ~$10+s/h
    Purchase a Battery from a 3rd party retailer and install yourself for ~$20+s/h
    Purchase a Battery from a 3rd party and have them install it for you for ~$35+s/h
    Purchase a new iPod 4th Gen Nano from Apple for ~$150 no s/h
    Purchase a refurbished iPod 3rd Gen Nano from Apple for ~$99 no s/h

    You'll also want to keep in mind the warranties that come with those options. Typically an auction site will not include a warranty, and a 3rd party retailer will have various warranty - some go up to a year or more. New/Refurb iPods from Apple all come w/ 1 year warranty plus you can extend the support for an additional year with an AppleCare Protection Plan.

    I totally agree with this because my battery died and i had to get a new one. your problem sounds like the one i recently had with mine.

  2. #12
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    my creative Zen has gone 4 years of manual labor and abuse and is fine, so it amuses me to hear all of these people with their broken apple products.

    Especially because most of the price you pay is for, guess what, that little engraving of an apple on the back of your paperweights.

    What I am really saying is: Why in the hell did you decide to buy those instead of one of the many alternatives?

  3. #13
    avy's Avatar

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    Christmas present from the parental units. It's not a one manufacturer is better than the other kinda thing. Besides, it's lasted this long and I am fairly certain it's had WELL over 1500 recharges and 10k+ songs on it at various times so it was worth the pric... oh wait, it was free. I'm gonna keep using and abusing it until the screen cracks or something more drastic happens.

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    well that just gets me pissed at retail stores, how DARE they trick your parents into buying inferior products. I am going to call them right now and ask them what in the fuck their problem is.

  5. #15
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    rofl, I don't think there were too many better alternatives 2 years ago. Thanks for the support though. lol

  6. #16
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    I used to be the same way about ipods. I didn't see what the big deal was and I wasn't about to pay $200+ for something that played mp3s. So I just got a phone that had external memory and played mp3s and that held me off for a while. But then someone gave my brother a broken video ipod to see if he could fix it. He just told them that he couldn't fix it and passed it over to me. After doing a little research I ordered what I needed from ebay and fixed it. Once I got it apart, it was quite simple to fix because everything was connected with snap lock ribbon connections.

    But anyways, after getting one for free and playing around with it for a while, I love the damn thing. I watch a lot of video podcasts and use it for a 60 gb thumbdrive when I need it. lol

    Now I want an ipod touch (or an unlocked iphone) because of all the sweet ass applications that are out for them. Not to mention wifi with safari. My friend has a 8gb touch and it's fucking sweet, but I just can't part with that kind of money for one of those so I'll just wait until I stumble across a deal or a broken one and repair it.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by avy
    rofl, I don't think there were too many better alternatives 2 years ago. Thanks for the support though. lol

  8. #18
    OmegaZero_Alpha's Avatar

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    The fact that they didn't put a SD slot in their 400$ Mp3 player is pathetic.

    Touch screen phones are stupid, unproductive, unreliable, expensive and they make shitty phones. (bad reception, horrible battery life)

    And yes, the creative zen I have been using for 3-4 years was available 2 years ago. And so was Archos. And so was Sansa, and phillips...

  9. #19
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    These ARE parental units we are talking about...

  10. #20
    Redneck's Avatar

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    Alpha, you act like Steve Jobs anally raped you in prison or something. Your hatred borders on obsessive, lol.

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